Sunday, August 27, 2017

Three Little Metal Boxes

“Let those I serve express their thanks according
to their own upbringing and honor.”
Unintentional and intentional acts of genocide against the Indian people continued after the Declaration of Independence was signed in the effort to accomplish the goal of taking care of the “Indian problem.” In 1763, the British provided the Odawa Indians gifts consisting of little insulated metal boxes. During the time the bio-warfare occurred, the Odawa were on a peace mission returning British soldiers safely to the British settlement in Montreal.    The British instructed them to not open the metal boxes until the Odawa returned from Montreal to their village near present day Harbor Springs, Michigan. Once the metal boxes were opened, the smallpox virus ran rampant amongst the Odawa people. Thousands lost their lives to the dreadful virus. The smallpox massacre was remembered in legends passed down for generations with the Odawa people. Pontiac’s rebellion, and the actions of few British officers are linked to the rationale and cause behind the bio-warfare inflicted against the unsuspecting Odawa people in 1763.     
            Smallpox was used in biological warfare against a segment of the population unprepared to fight off its lethal properties. Once smallpox finds a host in a community, it can spread rapidly. There are two types of the smallpox virus: variola major and variola minor. Variola major was the most severe and the most common form which had a death rate of 30%. The strain of variola minor has a death rate of 1%. Between 1940 and 1970 there was a widespread vaccination to prevent the disease. The World Health Organization declared smallpox to be eradicated. The smallpox virus emerged in human populations thousands of years ago.
            The smallpox virus can be spread from person to person by simply breathing in airborne respiratory droplets from a contaminated person. It can also be spread by touching the skin rash, sores and scabs of an infected person, being exposed to cadavers who died from it or by sharing blankets, clothing, and towels. Smallpox is a highly contagious disease. The only way to prevent the disease from spreading during the 1700s was by either burning or burying the deceased along with their clothing and blankets.
            The infection of the virus begins after an incubation period of approximately 12 to 14 days. During the incubation period, people do not experience any symptoms and they are not contagious at all. The first sign of this disease is referred to as the prodromal phase, which lasts two to four days and the symptoms during this phase are: fever, severe headache, nausea and vomiting, aching body, and sore throat. People may be contagious during this stage. The prodromal stage may last up to 20 days or longer. The most contagious stage is during the early rash period, which lasts about four days.
            During the prodromal stage, small red spots appear on a person’s tongue and in the mouth which turn into sores containing the virus. The rash spreads on a person’s face, arms, legs, and feet and to all parts of the body within 24 hours. The rash will become raised bumps and these bumps will become fluid filled. A fever will reoccur and will remain high until scabs form. Again, this is when the infected person is the most contagious especially when the ation and blindness. Osteomyelitis is referred to as an infection in a bone and this infection can reach a bone by traveling through the bloodstream or spreading from nearby tissue. Once considered an incurable condition, osteo-myelitis can be successfully treated today. Most people require surgery to remove parts of the bone that have died which is followed by strong antibiotics, often delivered intravenously, typically for at least six weeks. Oftentimes, when a person became infected with the smallpox virus the end result was either blindness or death. [i]
            The Odawa people were not completely exterminated or moved to another part of the country like many other tribes. Andrew Jackson tried to move many Native American people west of the Mississippi; part of the Odawa tribal people moved to Canada in protest. Because many of the Odawa people were peace-loving and agrarian, they decided to assimilate with the white settlers. They worked as lumbermen, shop keepers, carpenters, and educators alongside the settlers and were part of the changing economic environment.
            At the same time Chief Pontiac of the Odawa tribe from the Detroit area became famous because of his role in Pontiac’s rebellion from 1763 to 1766. This rebellion represented an American Indian struggle against the British military efforts concerning the Great Lakes region which followed the British victory in the French and Indian War. In July of 1763 Pontiac successfully defeated the British at the Battle of Bloody Run. He was unable to capture the fort at Detroit.
            Other Indian groups joined Pontiac’s rebellion against the British and these groups captured eight forts in what are present-day Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio and Pennsylvania. They were crafty warriors with one thing in mind to abolish the British by tricking the settlers and soldiers into allowing them to enter the forts then they would capture and/or kill the residents.
            At the same time the Detroit Fort was under siege other tribal groups attacked and took over Ft. Presque Isle, Ft. Le Boeuf, Ft. Venango, Ft. Miami, Ft. St. Joseph, Ft. Ouilatenon, Fort Sandusky and Ft. Michilimackinac. Ft. Bedford, Ft. Ligonier, Ft. Pitt and Ft. Niagara were assaulted but not taken. These attacks on the British forts may have led to much of the animosity of the British towards the Indian people. 
            The British government made Pontiac part of their ambassadorial strategy. Peace negotiations occurred in July of 1766 in which Pontiac made peace with the British Superintendent of Indian Affairs, Sir William Johnston. 
            Sir Jeffery Amherst served as a British officer in the British Army. He was responsible for Britain’s successful war campaign at the New France territory during the French and Indian War.  Because of this victory, Amherst was promoted to Commander-in-Chief of the Forces; shortly after this appointment he was also promoted to General. Amherst was noted for being a racist and he passed on his beliefs to those under his command. He believed all Indian people were “savages,” undeserving of living. One of Amherst’s goals was to annihilate the Indian people completely.
            Amherst was plotting to exterminate the Indian people at the same time the Odawa were returning the British officers and soldiers. He was linked to giving the orders to supply smallpox infected blankets to American Indians at Ft. Pitt. He expressed his readiness to use any possible method to wipe out the Indian race completely. 
            A letter from Colonel Henry Bouquet to General Amherst dated July 13, 1763 suggests the distribution of blankets to exterminate the Indians. In another letter dated July 16, 1763 from Amherst to Bouquet, Amherst gave approval of supplying contaminated blankets and every other method to exterminate the Indian people. [ii]
             The Odawa Indians resided in various locations stemming from Canada, lower Michigan, the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and as far as Oklahoma. Ancient birch bark scrolls indicated the Odawa from the eastern areas of North America. The name Odawa is said to mean traders, buyers and sellers. The Odawa were considered prominent leaders concerning the fur-trading business. In the past, colonists in Quebec, then called Canada, referred to all Algonquian tribal people from the Great Lakes as Odawa even if they were from another tribe such as the Ojibwe tribe.
            In Michigan, the Odawa predominantly resided at L’Arbre. L’Arbre Croche literally means “arbre,” a tree and “croche,” means crooked or hook like. Native Americans would deform trees to serve as council trees and as marker trees. Most of the trees used for this purpose were large maples and these deformed trees were formerly used to guide Native Americans on the overland path from Chicago to the Straits of Mackinac.
            To deform a tree, the center trunk is removed at a human’s shoulder height which causes the surrounding branches to grow out in an inverted umbrella shape. These trees can also be found in ancient sacred sites in New England.
            The Odawa settlement extended from Seven Mile Creek, which is seven miles north of the present-day Harbor Springs, Michigan to present-day village of Cross Village. In 1839, L’Arbre was known to be the second largest Indian settlement in the region even after the smallpox attack of 1763. 

[i] DermNet. Retrieved on August 22, 2014 from
[ii] Native Web. Jeffrey Amherst and Smallpox Blankets: Lord Jeffrey Amherst’s letters discussin germ warfare against American Indians.  Retrieved on January 11, 2014 from

Three Fires

“All things are connected. Whatever befalls the
earth befalls the children of the earth.”
-Chief Seattle
Suqwamish and Duwamish
Originally the Anishanaabeg in Michigan were a col-lection of closely related tribes: Ojibwe, Odawa and Potawatomi. Their alliances were established when they reached the area of Michlimackinac on their journey westward from the northeastern Atlantic coast. The Midewiwin scrolls revealed that the formation of the Council of Three Fires was dated back to 796 AD at Michilimackinac. The Ojibwe were addressed as the Older Brother, the Odawa as the Middle Brother, and the Potawatomi as the Younger Brother. The Ojibwa were referred to as the keepers of the faith, the Odawa were the keepers of trade, and the Potawatomi were the designated keepers of the fire. Their alliances were established when they reached the area of Michlimackinac which is currently referred to as Mackinac City, Michigan, on their journey westward from the northeastern Atlantic coast.
            The Three Fires Council had several meeting places. Michilimackinac became the preferred meeting place due to its central location. The Council met for mili-tary and political purposes. Through the totem system based on the clan structure and promotion of trade, the Council generally had a peaceful existence with its neighbors.
            During the 1750s, France expanded its territorial claims into the Ohio River Valley, which further instilled animosity between France and Britain. In 1754 and 1755 the French defeated the young George Washington, General Edward Braddock, and Braddock’s successor, Governor William Shirley of Massachusetts. The British military efforts were thwarted by a lack of interest at the home front, opposition among the American colonies, and France’s success with gaining more support from Indian allies. In 1756 the British formally declared war against the French beginning the Seven Years’ War or better known as the French and Indian War. The new British commander in America, Lord Loudoun, was confronted with the same issues as his predecessors. He met with the same defeat against the French and their Indian allies. 
            Circumstances changed drastically in 1757 due to William Pitt’s vision, his vision of expanding the British Empire. Pitt served as the Secretary of State of Foreign Affairs for Britain during the time of the French and Indian War. The colonial conflicts provided the tools to accomplish this goal. To fund this venture Pitt borrowed heavily and offered reimbursement to the colonies to acquire troops in North America. He also paid Prussia to fight in Europe for the British. In 1758, the British won their first great triumph at Louisbourg near the mouth of the St. Lawrence River.
            The British conquered the French at Fort Frontenac at the western end of the St. Lawrence River. The French lost command over the Plains of Abraham in 1759 which resulted in the fall of Montreal in 1760. The French lost their foothold in Canada. Spain joined France against England. Britain increased its efforts to seize more of the French and Spanish territories in other parts of the world.[i]
            In March of 1762 the King of France, King Louis XV, ordered a formal request for peace talks with the British government. The British government was also interested in stopping the war. The war was extremely expensive and was financed by accumulated debt. The creditors financing the British military efforts were wondering if Britain could pay off its loans. Also British King George II died and his successor George III was interested in ending the war. The peace talks between France and Britain resulted in the Treaty of Paris in 1763. In the terms of the treaty, France turned over all its territories in mainland North America which ended the military threats to the British colonies.[ii]
            Dissention continued to occur between the Anglo-American colonists and the British Government because of conflicting interests. The British were tired of providing a military presence to manage the post-treaty policies which were supposed to address the interests of the Indian people and the colonists. An argument transpired about the levying of taxes to pay for debts concerning wartime expenses. The Treaty of Paris resulted in the colonists moving towards independence even under the tyranny of a stalwart British Empire.
            Eagle and Coyote were assigned a mission by the Creator that involved joining an Ojibwe tribe which was a part of the Three Fires Council during the time of the French and Indian War. The French soldiers met with the Three Fires Council to enlist their assistance in the war effort against the Iroquois and British. The Three Fires Council decided to join the French as their allies.
            They shape shifted into elder leaders of an Ojibwe tribe. Coyote created an image of a strong older man named Gray Wolf. Eagle transposed herself into an elder woman referred to as White Wolf. Both were placed in charge of holding the council meetings because they are respected elders and spiritual leaders for the Ojibwe tribe. The location is the area of Michilimackinac in what is currently called Mackinac Island, Michigan.


Active Dreams

Briana tossed and turned on the powder blue satin sheets of her large four poster bed as she drifted off to a deep slumber.  There was a full moon and the moonlight illuminated the bedroom casting shadows on the walls as the light breeze moved tree branches outside the window. Briana walked from room to room as if she was trying to locate something she lost.  The back door of her home was opened and she walked into the back yard.  The leaves made a crunching sound as her bare feet walked upon them.  Her eyes were open wide as she stared at the path leading her further and further into the woods. She heard a sound behind her and she turned to look for the cause of the sound.  Terror struck her and she began running as fast as she could.   An embankment took her by surprise and she tumbled down the hill and landed by a large boulder.   
Rays of moonlight streamed down through the tall pine trees in the woods. She was struggling against the ropes binding her wrists, waist and ankles. Wolves were circling looking hungrily at her.  The alpha male was getting closer and closer as he circled the tree.  Screams were emanating silently in her head as she tried desperately to appear threatening to the predators.

She succumbed to the possibility of her impending death and was hoping for a quick death void of as much pain as possible. The alpha wolf was getting closer and closer. Drool could be seen at the corner of his mouth as he made a huffing sound and started pawing the ground in front of Briana. The other wolves growled loudly awaiting their turn.

            Suddenly Briana heard the galloping of a horse off in the distance. The wolves turned their heads toward the intrusion.  She began screaming at the top of her lungs. A rifle was fired and a man’s voice was heard shouting reassurances to her.  A horse with its rider appeared in the clearing where she was held captive. The man aimed his rifle towards the wolves and fired.  One of the wolves was hit and fell to the ground. The other wolves ran off into the woods. He jumped off his horse and ran to her. His black hair, bronze skin, blue eyes and dazzling smile mesmerized Briana.  His black vest strained against his muscular chest.

            Her rescuer bent down and cut the ropes binding her to the tree. Being tied to the tree in the sitting position without food and water, along with the fear Briana faced washed over her.  She collapsed on the ground in a heap at the stranger’s feet.

            The horse was pawing at the ground and whinnied nervously. The wolves hungrily approached the horse.  Her rescuer aimed his rifle and shot towards the wolves, only missing the largest wolf by inches.  The wolves ran off into the woods. 

            Briana was startled by the gun fire.  She sprang to her feet shakily and planted her feet firmly on the ground to maintain her balance. 

            “Who are you? Where did you come from,” asked Briana as she placed her hands on her hips trying to hide her fear while looking intently into the stranger’s eyes.

            “My name is Brandon,” responded the man as he smiled at her in his attempt to provide further comfort. 

            The image of the wolves devouring her defenseless body overtook her and she looked at her rescuer with fearful eyes.

            “Don't worry, you're safe now,” said Brandon as he cradled her in his arms tightly. 

            Briana melted in his embrace.

            Brandon started licking her cheek.

            She woke to her Scottish Terrier, Buddy, licking her cheek.

            She examined her nightgown.  It was tattered and dirty.  Her feet were caked with dirt and her long thick auburn hair was strewn wildly about her head. 

            How did I get so dirty?  Was I actually tied to that tree with those wolves circling me?  Was that man or anything else in my dream real?

            Briana quivered and pulled the covers up to her chin watching the shadows dancing across the ceiling as the trees swayed in the wind outside her bedroom window.


            Briana heard wolves howling off in the distance.  The air was chilly for a fall day. Briana quickly jumped out of bed and slammed the windows shut and locked them.  The window frames rattled as she did so.  Briana stood shaking fiercely.  She hugged herself and found a large sweater to cover her shoulders. Alone and afraid except for the company of Buddy, she tiptoed out of her bedroom.  Even though daylight was breaking through the clouds she clicked on the lights as she walked from room to room.  Buddy tagged closely by her side.  She felt even more disturbed when she discovered the kitchen door to her back yard was wide open. When she looked down at the floor she discovered muddy foot prints that led from the open door to the living room and into her bedroom.

            Briana stood alongside the footprint and placed her foot aside one of the traces of evidence of the evening’s escapades. The footprint matched the shape and size of her foot.  Shivers ran down her spine as she realized she did not spend the entire night in her bed.

            Where was I?  I can't believe I'm here right now looking at my own muddy footprints.  Look at the shape I'm in.  What's happening to me thought Briana as she hugged herself again to provide what little comfort afforded her.

            Briana collapsed on one of her kitchen chairs and placed her head in her hands and began crying. The details from her dream were running through her mind. She remembered running from something or someone and being tied to the tree.  She couldn’t remember who the culprit was.  Briana scratched her head trying to remember. She was thankful she was saved just in time. Briana realized her dream may have been a reality and the wolves definitely posed a threat. Her thoughts quickly switched to the man who saved her.

That man was so handsome.  Am I lonely?  Is that my problem? Am I so busy during the day that I'm subconsciously seeking out a partner in my dreams?  I have to provide some insurance that I stay in my home tonight and not go wandering in the woods again.  I think I will put extra locks up high or maybe my friend Sally can stay with me.  I will have to ensure my safety, from what, I wish I knew. What monster tied me to that tree? 

She decided to put the events of the past evening behind her and get on with her day.

            I have to get ready for work.  It's French and German cuisine, the cuisines of choice for this week.  Yes, I am in charge of my life she told herself reassuringly.  I can’t wait to see the expressions on my customers’ faces. The grand opening of Briana's international cafe' was going to be held in only a few hours.

            She took a leisurely shower and dressed in a French mai-tre d’ costume which included a black tux complete with tails. Her crisp white shirt was topped off with a black bowtie. The black, pointed toe, leather shoes with a two inch heel completed the ensemble.  Briana pulled her hair into a bun on the top of her head.  Her oval face and large almond shaped eyes added to the ambience of her attire.  She put on a splash of brown eye shadow on her eye lids  and then looked in the mirror to make sure she was ready to greet the day. Briana turned around to look at the tux she was wearing in her full length mirror.  She approved of the way she looked. 

            The day was laced with rays of sunshine peeping through the clouds and the dew was slowly drying on the grass.  Mrs. Harvel waved at Briana while she was picking up the newspaper that was thrown by her front porch. 

            I hope Mrs. Harvel shows up at my open house today.  She said she would.  I wonder when Mr. Harvel is going to come back from his fishing trip with his cousin Morrie.  Mrs. Harvel seems a little lonely without her husband.

            “When’s that husband of yours coming home,” asked Briana.

            “Not until Friday,” replied Mrs. Harvel.

            Part of Briana’s training when she was a child was to refer to people who were older then her by their salutation and last name.  Her parents managed a retirement home for elders and when she was a child she spent a lot of time with the elders at the center. 

            Briana returned her attention to the newspaper laid out in front of her on the kitchen table.  She noticed there was a woman found dead in the woods and it appeared she was attacked by wild animals. The name of the woman was Savannah Smolinski. 


            Briana arrived at the café.  She eased her car into the small parking space behind the café and proceeded to the back door.  The door was unlocked she discovered as she turned the knob.  She walked in the back entrance and discovered Desiree, one of the cooks, kneading dough on a floured surface of one of the counters.  Rock music was playing quietly in the background.

            Briana got to work with the rest of the staff to prepare for the day. Everything was in order.  The tables were set with deep crimson vinyl table cloths and black paper napkins were wrapped around silverware and set on each table.  Deep green ceramic tiles covered the floors and the tiles were sparkling clean. The surfaces of the counters and glass were sparkling. The dining area was warm and welcoming with various themes illustrating the different ethnic foods that were going to be featured at the café hung on the walls.

            Before the doors to the café were opened for business, all of the staff gathered in a circle with Briana as part of the circle.  She decided to treat her staff like a team and asked them to put their fists in a circle with her hand on top of their hands and she said “let’s go team.” Everybody was beaming with excitement and trepidation, which was usually a part of the first day jitters for any business.  Briana could feel her enthusiasm rising as she walked to the front door and turned the closed sign to open.  Customers were already leaving their cars and approaching the café. 

            I am so glad I hired the Blue Point Advertising Agency to help me promote the grand opening of my new cafe.  I saw ads on television and heard them on the radio.  When I read the paper this morning I saw the big spread in the paper.  Nice work Briana.  I think this business of mine is going to be a success.

            The first two customers to enter the café were the Harvels.  Clarence Harvel decided to come home early to join his wife Henrietta when she came to the restaurant today.  Henrietta was beaming as she held her husband’s arm as he escorted her through the door and pulled out her chair for her to sit down.  He was dressed in his fishing attire. Briana smiled and brought them menus.

            “I see you decided to cut your trip short Mr. Harvel and by the look on Mrs. Harvel’s face, she is glad you decided to come home early,” said Briana as she smiled widely at the couple.

            “Yes, the fishing wasn’t going well and I would rather be in this lady’s company instead of Morrie’s any day,” replied Mr. Harvel as he smiled at his wife.

            “I tried to talk this beautiful wife of mine into coming with me this year and she told me that she wasn’t going to miss your grand opening.”

            Briana sheepishly responded by saying, “I am so glad to have you as my neighbors.”

            Briana decided that the hours the café was going to be opened for business each day was from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., six days a week and closed on Sundays.  When her parents ran the home for the elderly they had to work seven days a week and she felt everybody could use a day off each week to recharge their batteries. She stood by the front door of the café for most of the day and greeted customers as they entered.  Each customer was given a chance to sign up for a drawing.  One of the businesses she partnered with provided her at a reduced cost a flat screen television and two desk lamps for the drawing.

The crepes, soufflés and German sausages were a success.  The rich French and German desserts displayed in the showcase were almost gone.  The steady traffic kept all the staff busy but not overwhelmed.   

            Dusk was falling on the horizon.  Briana turned to her staff and thanked them for such a great day of team work.  She was impressed with herself for ordering enough food for the first day of business and about her food choices to serve to the customers. Many of the customers gave her many compliments regarding the delicious food and wonderful service. She was so glad to have the first day go so well.

            “I am so proud of all of you.  The food and service was wonderful.  Do you have any recommendations concerning any changes you would like to see us make?” asked Briana.

            The staff did not have any recommendations.

            “I am going to get out of this monkey suit and help with cleaning,” said Briana. Briana packed jeans and a sweatshirt so she could clean in comfort. She entered the storage room to change her clothes.  She patted herself on the back for a job well done.

            All the staff and Briana began cleaning and putting things away. Much was needed to be done before calling it a day.

A large red truck pulled up in front of the café.  A man stepped out of the truck.  From a distance he appeared to be tall and strikingly handsome. The staff and Briana were staring at the stranger as he neared the door of the café.  As he opened the door Briana suddenly realized she knew this man from somewhere.       Briana extended her hand to the stranger to welcome him as she introduced herself and told the man the café was closed for the evening.

            He turned slowly to face Briana and gazed into to her eyes and said, “My name is Brandon.”  He smiled broadly at Briana.

            Suddenly Briana realized this was the man who rescued her in her dream the previous evening.  She began swaying from the uneasiness she was feeling. She collapsed in Brandon’s arms. 

            Briana gazed into Brandon’s blue eyes with awe as he returned her stare with a reassuring smile.