Thursday, October 18, 2018

Haunted Holidays

Holidays were established based on mysterious beliefs throughout history. In order to schedule various holiday activities, a calendar had to be created. The first calendar was developed 10,000 years ago in Scotland, first to be used as an agricultural tool when many of the people transitioned from being hunters and gatherers to farmers. The discovery of the calendar was made possible by the discovery of the equal parts of days and nights four times a year which was determined by the equinox. They needed to know when to plant and harvest. If our ancestors did everything right according to the calendar and they did not have a successful crop yield, they thought the gods must be angry. Weather, the shorter and longer days and phases of the moon led to many of the holiday beliefs. Legends fostered many holiday practices. We still want to abide by some of the beliefs to stay in good graces with our divine forces. We went from celebrating holidays, religious and not religious, to celebrating birthdays, death anniversaries, historic events such as 911 and the day JFK was shot. A little cave in Ireland was where the first inkling of a Halloween holiday was born.
            In town called Rosecommon in Ireland there was a cave referred to as the Rafcrocan cave. A rabbit hole served as the first small veil in which spirits could get through the veil. The holiday was referred to as Samhain. The veil was referred to as the Borwigan and it was very thin. Food offerings were provided for the dead. If they were a begger or spirit, still had to feed them. The Celtic cut up turnips as a symbol of this holiday and in the U.S. pumpkins were used because they were more plentiful. The spirits could not go to heaven or hell so the lighting of a jack-o-lantern would help the spirits to cross over. The veil is the thinnest on the evening of October 31st and the day of November 1st. All souls night is November 1st. Things were getting destroyed so trick or treat was developed to prevent the destruction. Our ancestors thought it was better to teach children by using things they feared.

            On a cheerier note, a holiday referred to as “Saturnalia” was created in Rome which was held from December 21-2. All people were considered equal no matter what economic class or position they held. The holiday was celebrated by holding feasts, gift giving and orgies. All the people in Rome were permitted to attend.

            “Dia de Los Muertos” was a Mexican day of the dead. All dead citizens would be honored on this day. Today, it is believed there are more spirits than there were in the past and this is because we are finally looking for them more. This holiday Christianized and changed to honor all former souls. The honoring of the dead made it collectively sacred.

            The fertility goddess “Eustre” was associated with the creation of the first Easter. Christianity introduced Jesus’ resurrection. The belief in the fertility goddess was where our ancestors bought into the belief of associating Easter eggs and candy with the Easter holiday.

            Yuletide celebrations were created for various reasons. The Norse people used candles to keep the darkness away and evergreen leaves were placed over doors to keep bad spirits away. In Scandanavia, everyone was supposed to drank from the same cup. The evergreen was known for its strength to survive harsh winter weather so it was believed to portray special gifts. The upper, middle and lower worlds or realms were honored by specific rituals. When a Yule log was burned the one from last year had to be used to ignite the current year’s log. Different trees were burned such as the pine willow and holly and stood for different beliefs. The nativity was created to honor when Jesus was born. The actual date of Jesus’ birth appeared to be not important. Constantine used Christianity to unify Roman empire in 336 A.D. Soltice was on the 23rd, Christmas Eve was the 24th, and Christmas on the 25th, this gave the Romans more days to party.

            Saint Nicolas was a bishop in Myra, Turkey in 278 A.D.. He came from a wealthy family. Nicolas gave all his wealth away. He decided to help out people with special needs. He decided to celebrate Christmas by giving and sharing. He was honored as a patron saint. The Dutch created Cinder Claus and the U.S. called him Santa Claus. In Germany during the earlier years there was a character named Krampus. December 5th was the day he appeared. He would snatch bad children and eat them. Krumpus had hooves and horns. In Iceland during the Yuletide season, Gryla wanted to eat children, so she would bring the children to the mountain he lived on and put them in her stew. The story “Twas the Night Before Christmas” was written in 1823. Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. The Coco Cola company a while ago decided to promote a fat santa with a beard. We must not forget the Grinch. Christmas is celebrated in many different ways all over the world.

            The creation of specific holidays and the celebration of harvests and other special events were made possible by the creation of the calendar. We learned about the solstice and equinox from our ancestors. We know when to plant seeds at optimal times. Our Halloween beliefs were fostered from a small opening in a cave in Ireland to the Norsemen and their superstitions. When you prepare to pass out candy at your door on Halloween, think about why this practice started.




The Anunnaki

Aliens have been tormenting humans for many years. These strange beings have abducted, conducted experiments involving humans and have studied humans. Humans, who were taken by force in spaceships, have been probed and examined. Families lost loved ones forever and some of these unfortunate humans returned to their homes dazed and confused, feeling violated. Some had their memories erased of the abduction. Portals to other dimensions, invisible to the naked eye, serve as doorways for the strange alien beings. Some of these beings want to infiltrate the human population and live among them. They do so by taking over a human’s body by a possession process and devouring the human souls. Humans have never been alone on this vast planet.

Aliens traveled from Nibiru to Earth. Nibiru passes by Earth approximately every 3,600 Earth years and some of the beings from this planet hop to Earth via worm holes as a result of their planet’s orbit which brought their planet close to Planet Earth. They came to Planet Earth to seek gold to patch the atmosphere of their planet. These alien beings were referred to as the Anunnaki. They numbered approximately two million when they first arrived on Earth.

These alien beings were mischievous, creative, highly scientific and intelligent. They made a major impact on Earth and its inhabitants for thousands of years. The beings from Nibiru, supposedly a warring planet, brought the idea of war to the earthlings? They were half god, half human with serpent characteristics.  Some have appeared to have snake like eyes and forked tongues to human sensitives, people who can see the real identity of strange beings. They possessed many godlike abilities and appeared to be rather large humans with strange features. Their heads were oval and they had pointy chins. The back of their heads was long and oblong. Their eyes were large and their skin was a rather ashy color. Powerful muscles lined their torsos and arms. The Anunnaki’s advanced scientific knowledge, physical strength and size led the human inhabitants to believe they were gods sent down from the heavens to provide humans with various advancements such as the building of elaborate structures such as aqueducts and pyramids. Humans were taught how to work with metals to alter the shape by the use of metallurgy. Earth was a rather young planet compared to others in the universe. Because of their size and abilities, the Anunnaki were feared and highly respected by many of Earth’s inhabitants.

They developed a complex astronomical/astrological system which served as the manner by which life on Earth was ordered, as it contained information crucial to the life force of the planet, such as the movements and interrelationship of the sun and moon. Their calculations were based on the number six. Because of this elaborate system many were able to become sea-faring individuals and they were also able to plant and harvest using the rotations of the moon as a guide. Their original domain when they arrived on this planet for the first time was Sumer. Cuneiform tablets tell the history in great detail of these advanced beings.     

 “When the King of Heaven, Anu, came to Earth with his second and legal heir Enlil,

Enki was assigned the command of Africa and of the new gold mining center in South Africa. As for Enlil, he became the Lord of the Command in Sumer and established his capital and temple abode in Nippur – the first Mission Control Center for their space travels… They had human bodies and exuberant sexuality, although they seem to have been ‘giants’ compared to the earthlings.

            Enki roamed the wilderness and study the life-forms, and he realized that the Seed of Life (the types of DNA) on this planet was very similar to the beings on Nibiru. There had been an original collision of a moon of Nibiru (at that time a nomad planet) with the ancient huge planet called Tiamat that partly exploded, thus creating an asteroid belt, ‘the Hammered Bracelet,’ and the larger part being thrust in a new orbit nearer the sun, thus becoming our Earth. As for Nibiru, the planet was then captured by the gravitational field of our sun and started to orbit it. Enki realized why Earth life-forms and their DNA resembled that of Nibiru: life on Earth had been seeded by the original collision with Nibiru’s moon,” (Hardy, 2014).

            Enlil was different from his brother Enki. The story of Enlil and Enki resembled that of the Cain and Abel story in the Bible. One was evil and the other good. Enlil was the most extreme of Nibirian characters. He was violent, prone to anger, indignant, jealous, and very self-centered. Like many rulers on planet Earth, he fit the bill for filling the role of a tyrannical king.

            Enki, on the other hand, had a powerful mind and astonishing reflective abilities. He grasped the idea of anticipation and had a strong purpose. He believed the humans needed to be more knowledgeable so they could understand their tasks.  What added to Enki’s decision to create smarter humans from the apelike humanoids were the complaints from the Anunnaki who were working in the mines, mining gold. They complained that it was difficult and exhausting work. They would like the humans to take over the work.

            Gold, highly sought after throughout the history of this planet, lasts forever. It is a durable mineral which conducts heat and energy efficiently. The gold jewelry from the ancient Egyptian time still holds its luster.

Enki was the first god, son of King Anu, to travel to Earth according to the Cuneiform tablets. Enki had a vast amount of knowledge about astronomy, physics, and engineering. He did not possess the knowledge about biology, medicine and genetics. Ninmah’s expertise in these areas afforded the perfection of the Earth-human race derived from the DNA of their alien race.

Clay tablets unearthed in Mesopotamia, and dating as far back as 3,500 BCE, state that for an immense time Ninmah was dedicated to the Great Work with her half-bother and consort Enki, and she had brought to life successive generations of a ‘mixed creature’ by the blending of their own DNA, that of Anunnaki Gods – that ones who had come down from Heaven to Earth – with their DNA of an evolved ape woman” (Hardy, 2014).

          They made primitive workers out of human species. They took the essence from a young male Anunnaki and added it to an egg taken from an ape woman. The fertilized egg was implanted into an Anunnaki woman’s womb to create a more intelligent human, as part of a genetic engineering project. They needed humans intelligent enough to follow their orders. According to Zecharia Sitchin, the first implants occurred approximately 300,000 years ago.

          Ninmah served as the head scientist for the life sciences. She arrived on Earth with a group of women scientists to supervise the medical and health matters for the Anunnaki and the seeding and growing of medicinal and health enhancing plants for the Anunnaki and humans. Ninmah had domesticated animals transported to earth and assisted with their adaptation of earth’s land and air. It was her way of introducing agriculture and farming, a method of providing a healthier diet for the Anunnaki and humans. 

The Anunnaki used the word “lulu” which was referred to the ignorant human slaves.

Enki was associated with procreation with the human species while Enlil wanted to wipe out the human race. Adam and Eve or Adamu according to the cuneiform tablets, were visited by a snake. People were led to believe the snake was evil. However, there were complications concerning this belief.  The snake told the truth and the god did not. Adam and Eve did not die according to the Bible. Some theorists believe that Enlil was the god and Enki was the snake according to the cuneiform tablets. He wanted the humans to have knowledge and Enlil did not.

Nowhere in the Bible did it state the snake was Satan or the devil. Assumptions were made. Vast similarities exist between the writings in the Bible to those in the cuneiform tablets. Temptation was introduced while the first couple were tending the garden. Their time after not following orders of the first god was cursed, especially the female’s. The awareness of their sexual organs was how the human seed was compared with that of animals. It was evident that woman was the first person to take a leap into self-awareness and consciousness. The ability to reflect represented the capability of making moral distinctions. Sex represents the survival of any species and it was considered immoral on many occasions by various people in power.

It’s difficult to say what came first, the chicken or the egg. People of some form or

another from Neanderthals to homo sapiens have existed on this planet for millions of years according to a multitude of credible sources.

Where the first humans came into play has been in question? The Anunnaki arrived on the Planet Earth originally to find gold to patch the atmosphere of their planet. The Anunnaki used their own DNA to enhance the humans’ intelligence to make them able to follow orders more efficiently. How much of the technology and scientific breakthroughs can be attributed to the Anunnaki?

Monsters, Ghosts and Goblins

A plethora of things that go bump in the night could be considered watchers from malevolent ghosts to shadow people. Fairies, dragons, psychic vampires, shadow people, ghosts, leprechauns, aliens, and so much more have been reported by many people. Their existence has not been scientifically proven.  However, many people keep encountering them. Most of these beings are watching us. As proven during investigations, a multitude of these beings on this earth plane and from the other side can see us, hear us and respond to us.            


            Spectral visions of ethereal images float through the air in many locations. Ghosts are the most common paranormal entity. At least a third of living people have encountered one. A ghost is a spirit of a dead human being. A variety of types of ghosts exist: the Halloween ghost – a white sheet with holes for eyes; transitional ghosts who almost always appear to family members, loved ones, close friends, and others they had a close emotional link; purposeful ghosts who seem to have a specific reason for returning from the grave; graveyard specters who exist in the vicinity of  cemeteries; entity hauntings in which one of more ghosts haunt a specific location; and replay hauntings in which a situation replays itself in the presence of people who are sensitive to such phenomenon.

            To explain further about entity hauntings, hauntings of specific locations usually follow a particular pattern. It is typically the end result of violence, madness, or a tragedy such as a large explosion killing many or a mine collapsing. Ghosts have appeared when there were mass murders such as when various forms of genocide occurred to wipe out tribal communities. Many people have visited Gettysburg to experience the residual hauntings. Residual hauntings are like replay hauntings in which situations that existed for the person who is a ghost when they were alive occur over and over again when they are dead.

            Replay hauntings are different from entity hauntings. The ghost will repeat a behavior such as walking through a certain wall every night. The ghost will not and cannot communicate with humans and will not respond to humans. They are caught in a time loop and they keep repeating specific behaviors on a regular basis.

            Purposeful ghosts appear because they have unfinished business or they want to motivate a living human. The ghost may have hidden a sum of money and wants the living human to know where it is hidden, or perhaps the ghost bids his or her children good night one last time. Another more dangerous ghost is a vengeful ghost who is seeking revenge and will not give up until the person meets what they determine as their deserved fate. Innocent victims may pay the price for wrongful doings, also. The ghost may seek revenge on any human that crosses its path.

            Graveyard ghosts occupy many story telling sessions and are associated with folklore. Graveyard specters may hover over their graves or float over the graveyard and they usually do not speak or make any sounds.

            Poltergeists need to be mentioned. These are manifestations of human emotions. If the house is filled with anger, yelling, sadness, frustration and other negative emotions, a poltergeist may be created due to the disturbing emotional build up, they are known as noisy spirits. If there is an escalation of the activity, this could prove to be dangerous. People have died as a result of the violence as a result of poltergeist activity.

            If a person dies a sudden and possibly a violent death, the dying person may be caught up in extreme pain, fear, or other extreme emotions associated with how they died which may trap the dead person between two worlds. The ghost may remain fixated in the pain from their death along with the feelings associated with the death process. Strong emotions can bind a spirit to a place and create an entity haunting. Many haunted places where human tragedies occurred may not be haunted by a trapped soul but by gruesome emotional patterns projected into the atmospheric and physical substance of the location (Greer, 2002).

The Little People

          Little people have appeared all over the world, some groups revere them while others fear them. Some Native American groups in the United States hold ceremonies in their honor. They are known to be mischievous. The little people will take items and hide them or move them around to confuse people.  In England, they were referred to as Gnomes.

          Descriptions and identities of little people are abundant. They have been called the lost souls of the souls of pre-Christian people, doomed to roam the earth until their demise. Others believe they are elemental spirits or fallen angels residing in a different dimension from humans’ physical world. The little people were also considered to be the last of the pygmy race. They could be direct ancestors of homo sapiens from the dwarf-like australopithecines line of ancestry and that is why everyone around the world have a belief in the little people. Needless to say, they have not caused harm to anyone only some frustration over lost items (Shuker,2002).


          Demons have upheld their evil reputation for a long time. Movies such as the Exorcist have portrayed demonic possession and exorcism as a reality. Catholic priests are often called upon to rid a home or a person of a demonic possession. The possibility of evil spirits or demons frightens many people and others believe the term demon is a Christian concept. Gnostics and Cathars during ancient times believed that evil was a fact of the material level of existence and did not exist within the spiritual realm. Demonologists would beg to differ. Many people from modern times make the claim that demons are the remnants of the fallen angels, stuck on the earthly realm because they were banned from the heavens.

          Too many sources such as television shows and literature sources demonstrate the reality that demonic entities do exist. Amy Allan, during some of her walks on the Dead Files show, reported she has seen demonic beings. Many cultures believe in the demon lore. Notably, many victims have experienced and reported what could be deemed as demonic activity. It has been reported that demonic hauntings have occurred if there has been a regular practice of evil magic such as a blood sacrifice or the use of tarot cards.

          Individuals can experience demonic obsession in which the person cannot think clearly about a personal topic of obsession and/or develop serious mental illness. Other supernatural entities can also cause obsessive behaviors: ghosts and elementals. Demons can cause families to fight with one another and even cause serious physical harm to each other that may result in death. They are known to thrive on chaos. Demonic possession can cause a whole host of physical and behavioral maladies from insomnia, agitation and roaming to screaming fits. Sometimes the demon will speak through the person in a raspy voice and use languages unknown to the possessed person. Demons are known to be extremely dangerous and disruptive to humans (Greer, 2002). 


Shadow People


          Shadow people have been a part of human repertoire throughout history. They are eerie specters that appear during the night and cause absolute panic and often paralyze us with fear. Shadow people often look like grim reapers who are either tall, six to eight feet tall, or short, three to five feet in height. They may come in pairs or more or are seen in a singular fashion. The shorter ones often have red eyes and seem more dangerous than the tall ones. Their shadows can fall into an entire spectrum of paranormal occurrence. They have been known to change shape into beautiful apparitions to allure humans, invade bodies for temporary possession or transform into monsters. Most shadow people are attracted to humans but some are attached to pieces of land. There are various types of shadow people: benign shadows; negative shadows; red eyed shadows; buzzing shadows; angry, hooded shadows; and shadows that attack. They seem to appear out of nowhere and can disappear into thin air like a puff of smoke. These mysterious dark figures have terrorized people for thousands of years (Offutt, 2009).

Witches and Warlocks

            Witches and Warlocks work with magic and can cast spells, hexes and curses on people. Some witches work with healing and helping humans. Some are evil and some are good. The Harry Potter Series depicts good and bad witches and warlocks. There is a good witch and bad witches in The Wizard of Oz.

Pyschic Vampires

          Psychic Vampires come in many shapes and sizes, but the most common characteristic of all psychic vampires is that they feed off the energy of humans. Many types of psychic vampires exist: Parasitic; Antisocial; Narcissistic; Schizoid; Cyberspace; Addictive; Paranoid; Socialized and Ambivalent. Groups of Psychic Vampires can meet as a group and feed off unsuspecting victims in public locations. Many of these individuals can manipulate the minds of humans usually to cover up what they are up to, which is their feeding behaviors. They will convince their victims that they are on the up and up and their unsuspecting victims will be coerced into falling in love with the vampire. Their victims become tired, and oftentimes can end up with physical maladies such as gastrointestinal problems. More and more is being learned about this type of vampire who watches, stalks and feeds off of their victims.

Many types of monsters exist in this world. Where they origin many have speculated.

Shadow people may reside in another dimension and visit the human dimension to scare or feed off of humans. Demons may be fallen angels.  Ghosts are dead humans. The little people may have many origins from ancient ancestors to pygmies. Fairies, ghouls, goblins and witches are beings that may appear to us in their true form. Many other monsters including the ones listed in this chapter have been proven to exist, some we are not aware of, and they can watch us and raise havoc in our lives.


Big Brother and Cyber Stalkers

            Edward Snowden was charged with theft and violations relating to the Espionage Act after he pulled off one of the most spectacular heists in the history of spy craft.  Stores such as Michaels had their systems hacked into.  Information from customer accounts was stolen taking their identities, unsuspecting victims buying art and craft supplies.  By using machines to swipe  credit and debit cards at a lot of stores was putting customers at risk. The convenience of on-line banking and on-line marketing also puts customers at risk. Coleen Rowley, FBI agent, compared Snowden to Benjamin Franklin, who was postmaster general in 1773. He took advantage of his position to provide letters from American officials who were secretly collaborating with British authorities. 

            Edward Snowden was born June 21, 1983.  He was an American computer specialist and former employee of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).  He served as a former contractor for the National Security Agency (NSA).  He became international news when he disclosed thousands of classified documents to several media outlets; Google, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, AOL, PalTalk and Yahoo.  The documents revealed operational details of global surveillance programs run by the NSA (National Security Agency) and other governments: United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand, with the cooperation of a number of businesses and European governments.  The release of classified material was referred as the most significant leak in U.S. history.  Internet surveillance programs such as PRISM, MUSCULAR, Tempora, and the large collection of U.S. and European telephone metadata provided access to personal internet accounts.  Today, smart phones, computers with web cams and smart televisions can also provide access to personal internet accounts.

Snowden leaked information from these documents to “The Guardian” and “The Washington Post” while he was employed under a NSA contract.  Snowden was referred to as a hero, a whistleblower, a dissident, a traitor and a patriot.  These disclosures inspired debates over mass surveillance, government secrecy, and brought up questions about national security and information privacy.  Two court rulings brought into question NSA’s bulk collection of telephone metadata.  Snowden brought to the attention of the public how easy it was tap into private servers and spy on people.

            Snowden was regarded as a fugitive by American authorities who charged him with espionage. A reminder that espionage is the practice of spying or the use of spies, usually by governments to obtain political and military information. He was residing in an undisclosed location Russia and sought asylum in Europe.  Snowden also served as Rector of the University of Glasgow, a three-year post.  He also served on the “Freedom of the Press Foundation board of directors.  Some of the media outlets and politicians have called for leniency in the form of clemency, amnesty and pardon.  Otherwise his acts are being heralded by many (Scherer, 2013).

            We are being watched.  The cell phone in our pockets tracks our movements and stores that information with our service providers.  Email chats and text messages map our social relations and records our thoughts.  Credit card purchases demonstrate our spending habits and tastes.  Mass transit data bases record our travel when we board subways and buses.  The search engines we enter on our computers such as Google preserves our searches and the information can be linked to our computers for a standard period of nine months.  Media sources have been implementing methods to hook consumers to their internet sources such as Instagram that posts a glimpse of the next item of possible interest in hopes the user will continue to view the site to check the next item. Advertisements for Candy Crush portray that they want to create an addiction to their site by presenting the joy and excitement of playing the game.

            Cyber bullying has come to attention of many caring adults. Young people have sent incredibly inappropriate and sadistic messages to other young people. Instead of considering the source these impressionable viewers take the messages to heart. Young people, usually preteen and teenagers, are susceptible to depression and feeling like their world is crumbling down around them when they feel singled out and ridiculed. An article written by Jennifer Latson in Psychology Today explained the painful result of loneliness and how many people are faced with the dilemma. More and more people are faced with heart wrenching loneliness. With the addiction of all the social media modalities, comes a distance to other people. Was that the overall plan of such ventures? Was the plan to create a separation? Instead of talking on the phone, people are texting. People are gaming more, using Xboxes, computers and other devices. Making fake friends by video chatting and playing against each other while gaming. Existing in a virtual world can set any one up to being cyber stalked. Cyber bullies and cyber stalkers are lurking on the internet seeking their next victim.

            Young people have been approached by adult men who are pretending to be their age. They try to set up dates with the unsuspecting young people. Lonely and desperate, they agree to meet the perverts. An animal with a different name has involved human trafficking, which is happening all over the world and even in unsuspected places such as Michigan. People, usually young women, are being picked up and sold as sex slaves. It can be dangerous world out there everyone. Slaves have been doing the bidding of others throughout the history of he world and it is still happening.

            The progression of technologies continues to add more data to the public grid, which is up for grabs for those who know how to hack and obtain personal information.  Some of the technologies involved wearable computing devices that monitor our pulse and other things we are doing.  Surveillance cameras are rigged with facial-recognition software.  The Nordstrom and Apple retail companies are exploring technology measure and record how long you linger before any single display.  The possibilities are scary and our information provides for the whole enterprise of public businesses.  Our information is wanted and used in ways that are not always in our best interests and violates our privacy (Scherer, 2013).

            The next time you swipe your card at Walmart or Michaels for that matter keep in mind who has privy to that information.  When you look up things by using search engines, remember that Google and other companies may be storing your information for future surveillance or for profit interests.  Snowden brought to attention how much information was being stored by the National Security Agency along with other governmental and private companies.  We are being watched by the very people who are supposed to be protecting us.