Saturday, September 1, 2018

Shemsu Hor

Darkness fell on the sleepy city of Memphis.  A viper was placed on the bed of an unsuspecting woman. Her name was Queen Hapshepsut. She wore out her welcome as the ruler of Egypt.  She sighed loudly when the snake bit her leg and the venom started coursing through her veins. She was dead in a few minutes. The Egyptian guards carried her body to the Nile River and dumped it in the water. Her body sunk to the deep depths of the dark water never to be seen again.

The Brotherhood of the Serpent, the Shemsu Hor, held a secret meeting to discuss a replacement for Queen Hapshepsut. Maat called the meeting to order.

            “Our goal of making lots of money was working. The Queen was supportive of our goal to rob the commoners of their hard-earned money by coercing them to buy amulets and spells to provide them with protection. I can’t believe she went against our other goal of making Egypt a patriarchal kingdom. Giving women the same rights as men was ridiculous. They need to be kept in their place, under our thumbs,” said Gamal.

            “She did promise to follow all of our rules. The queen proved to be a liar in the end,” replied Lapis.

            “Using one of our brothers to do her in was brilliant. She never saw it coming,” said Adom.

            “We need to find someone who will follow our orders without any questions. One who agrees that women need to be put in their place,” said Gamal.

            “We need a pharaoh who is also cold hearted. One who can turn the other cheek when we have to torture or maim the disobeyers,” said Lapis.

            “We are in this for the money and control and we have to stop anyone who gets in our way,” said Gamal.

            “May I make a suggestion?” asked Aharon.

            “Yes,” replied Gamal.

            “I suggest we give Amenhotep III a chance to be the ruler,” said Aharon.

            “He knows how to follow orders. He does not ask any questions and he has agreed to help with the punishment of anyone who disobeys us. He killed his own brother for stealing a basket of amulets,” said Gamal.

            “I think we can trust him. He likes money as much as we do. He does not treat his wife well. I saw him slap her across the face when she spoke out of turn,” said Rashid.

            “I will talk to him tomorrow to see if he wants the position and if he will be willing to follow all of our orders no matter how harsh they may seem at times,” said Aharon.

In the deepest recesses of the pharoahs’ minds they felt they were the chosen ones. Amenhotep III gladly accepted the role as pharaoh and agreed to Gamal’s demands that he must follow all orders of the Amun priesthood. Amonhotep III approached his role as the new pharaoh with bated anticipation. He signed the papers by using his own blood. Gamal patted him on the back and welcomed him. Everyone in the room applauded when he sat on the throne for the first time. He smiled at everyone in attendance. A crown was placed on his head. The crown was etched with leaves made of gold.

The new pharaoh was given his first assignment. An assignment that would test the hardiest of individuals. His first assignment as the new pharaoh involved entering the lodging of pilgrims who traveled from the East and kill everyone including the children and their family dogs, twenty-one pilgrims in all. Amonhotep was told they were spies, trying to gain secrets from the Egyptian government. He was also ordered to send one of his sons, Akid, who was only ten years of age, with Gamal to go to battle against the inhabitants of Edu. Amonhotep readily carried out both tasks without batting an eyelash.

The Shemsu Hor survived for decades under the disguise of puppet pharaohs and the Amun Religious Sect. Pharoahs were willing to sell their souls for the opportunity to serve as the ruler in Egypt. The Amun religious sect in ancient Egypt was run by the Brotherhood of the Serpent, the Shemsu Hor. The word shemsu was derived from the Akkadian word shamash which meant serpent and Hor was derived from the god Horus, the hawk-headed god of the rising and setting sun and the son of Osiris and Isis. The Shemsu Hor was a powerful organization made up of followers of the god Horus, a secret society in which the Amun church gave them their cover. Their main goal was to line the pockets of the ruling class. Many gods were worshipped by the commoners. Worshipping these gods required sacrifices such as their hard earned money. In order to be provided protection from the various gods, the commoners needed to purchase amulets representing the gods and give money to the church. The commoners toiled in the fields by day and prayed to their gods at night. They also paid taxes to the ruling class.

The commoners would stand outside of the church to collect the leftovers after each meal the priests ate. They were usually destitute and hungry most of the time. They gave up a lot to be protected by the gods. They were the ones who purchased the amulets and also provided the funding by the taxes they were charged to live on their meager pieces of land. They managed to farm the land they lived and raise livestock. Sheep were used to provide them with clothing and food.

At least once a month the mother planet, Nibiru, was contacted to update their superiors about the progress they were making concerning with the collection of gold to repair the atmosphere of their planet and their superiors also want to be updated on the progress the Anunnaki are making with the human DNA experiment. They would take an egg from a human woman and the essence from an Anunnaki male and implant the egg and the essence into an Anunnaki female in hopes of creating more intelligent humans. A collection of gold and riches has made it to Nibiru, their home planet recently. The inhabitants on Nibiru like the shiny trinkets. Some of the members of the Shemsu Hor knew how to use the pyramids on the Giza plateau to send messages to Nibiru.

Heget and Nour, the chief engineers, entered the largest of the Giza pyramids. They descended down the steep staircase to the bottom of the pyramid and turned on a valve to release the water. The flow of the water flowed against the turbines which created enough electricity to provide power to the radio control center. The radio control center emitted intense laser beams that were sent high into the heavens. The radio control center on Nibiru picked up the transmissions and returned messages the same way.

Spaceships traveled to and from Planet Earth to Nibiru to transport goods back and forth. The Anunnaki provided Earth with a wide variety of vegetable seeds and domestic animals. The large spaceships were only kept at the largest cities in Egypt. Smaller aircrafts were kept at all locations.

            “I just received a report from the mother planet. Another war broke out between the east and west sanctions on our planet. It’s getting pretty bloody. Many have lost their lives. It makes me wish I was back on Nibiru,” said Rashid.  Nibiru is a waring planet and they happily introduced warfare to the people on Earth. Since they can operate with mind control through their telepathic abilities, many humans on Planet Earth have been coerced into participating in warfare.

The inhabitants on Nibiru were jealous of the ones who got to live on Earth. They wanted to own and control slaves.  They requested to have some hybrid humans delivered to their planet. 

            “I can’t believe how blood thirsty some of the humans have become,” said Aharon.

            “They can’t wait to get on the battlefield,” replied Rashid.

            “I want to teach the inhabitants of Edu a lesson for stealing some of the supplies off one of our ships. I know some of the humans will be more than happy to join me on my venture to Edu,” said Gamal.


Soldiers rode quietly into the sleepy town of Edu. The moon was a slit which created an eerie blackness. Some of the men carried fire torches. Others carried orbs of light. The horses were tied to the various posts located throughout the town. Gamal ordered the men to stand at attention as he gave his orders.

“Men, we are here tonight to teach the people of Edu that they cannot not steal from us without facing serious consequences,” said Gamal. He noticed how sleepy his men looked so he had to wake them up. He hit one of the men with his sword by using a back handed swing. The man fell down which got the others’ attention. Some of the men slapped their own faces to wake themselves up and others shook their heads.

“Now that I have your attention. We need to proceed with caution. I only want to set an example, not conduct a massacre,” said Gamal.

Aharon stood next to Gamal and pointed to the largest of the palaces in the foreground. “There are guards posted at the entrance of the palace so we are going to use a surprise tactic. I brought with me some hover crafts that will deliver a few of us over the walls of the fortress. We will attack the guards from behind. They will not expect us.”

The human men stared at the contraptions that Aharon held in his hands with awe. They did not know how their rulers created such magical things. They were often fearful of the men who ruled their nation. Their size, magical powers and temperament set them apart from the  humans.

Aharon clicked a switch on the hover craft and stood on the craft that was floating above the ground by a couple of inches. Aharon used a handheld device to raise the craft higher off the ground soon he was higher than the fortress wall. He disappeared on the other side of the wall.

Quibilah boarded the second hover craft and disappeared on the other side of the fortress wall.

Akid, Amonhotep’s son, was being trained as a scribe. He was sent to the back of the soldiers where the women were stationed with food and medical supplies to retrieve a flask filled with wine for Gamal. Akid was essentially at Gamal’s beck and call. He was having trouble keeping his eyes opened but knew he must follow orders or he may be executed or beaten like the others he has witnessed for disobeying the rulers. He was angry with his father for sending him on this mission.

“I like how amazed the humans are when we introduce them to our gadgets from our planet. Things we take for granted, they are simply impressed with,” said Quibilah.

“It’s easy to impress them,” replied Aharon.

They used stun guns on the two guards by the front gate and they were given a heavy dose of a sedative. The guards were hauled to a storage shed to sleep off the drug. The goal of the inquest was to scare the inhabitants, not kill them. The gate was opened and the soldiers entered. Their goal was to kidnap the children of the rulers. Hold them hostage until they were reimbursed for the amulets that were stolen from them. Gamal, Quibilah and Aharon snuck into the sleeping quarters in the palace and gave the small children a sedative so they would not scream and wake up their parents. They stole five children altogether of various ages. The soldiers were ordered to wait for them in the courtyard, standing at attention awaiting following orders.

A loud horn was sounded in the courtyard that would have woke up the dead. The horn was blasted again. The men from Edu rushed to the courtyard armed with swords and were met with Gamal’s armed forces. One of the rulers of Edu, Marchil, marched forward to see what was going on. The front line of Gamal’s soldiers parted in the middle and five of the men walked to the front of the line carrying the small children who belonged to the rulers of Edu. Marchil was shocked to see two of his children sleeping in the arms of two of Gamal’s men.

Marchil asked, “What are you doing with my children?”

“We are here to be given back the amulets your men have stolen,” replied Gamal.

“I don’t know of the theft,” replied Marchil.

One of Marchil’s men, Akmid, approached Marchil. “I know of the theft.”

“Tell me why I wasn’t informed of this travesty,” said Marchil.

Gamal was surprised at what was transpiring. He thought the rulers were behind the theft.

“Let me explain. A package was damaged in transit to your capital. In fact, it started on fire. We had to throw it in the water to put it out. We sent word about the incident via carrier pigeons,” replied Akmid.

“Show me where you threw the package,” demanded Gamal. Akmid led Aharon and Gamal to the water’s edge on the other side of the fortress. Gamal dove in the water to find the large package. He located the package and brought it up to the surface. It did appear to be burned by fire. He opened the package and found that some of the amulets were not damaged.

“Why did the package start on fire?” asked Gamal.

“I think the package was packed too tightly,” replied Samil. Samil was one of Edu’s scientists. “We had to dispose of the package to protect the rest of the packages from catching on fire. I thought you would appreciate our efforts to protect what was being shipped to you,” said Akmid.

Gamal was starting to feel sheepish for over reacting to what he thought was stolen goods. He decided to save face and said, “We brought you a couple of gifts as a token of our apreciation.” He waved at Kamilah to bring the gifts they had prepared for their visit to Hermonthis. The rulers of Hermonthis supplied them with human women they captured from   raids of small villages to use in their DNA experiments. The gifts were golden statues of naked women and men. Marchil was pleased with the gifts and instructed his men to haul the children back to their sleeping quarters. He did not trust Gamal and thought he may pay him a visit in the future to teach him a lesson. Marchil was also a part of the Shemsu Hor cult and an Anunnaki and did not appreciate the way his fortress was invaded by the marauders from the north.

Gamal ordered his men to get on their camels and chariots to ride out of the city of Edu. They were tired and wanted to rest, but it was time to leave. They have definitely overstayed their welcome.

“We retrieved the package that we thought was stolen,” reported Gamal during a meeting with the Shemsu Hor.

“Why did they steal the package?” asked Rashid.

“They didn’t. It caught on fire and they threw it in the water to protect the other packages,” replied Gamal.

“I don’t trust Marchil. I thought he was up to something when we were there,” said Aharon.

“What do you think he is up to?” asked Gamal.

“I read his mind and he plans on attacking us in the future,” replied Aharon.

“If it gets too serious, we will bring out the big guns,” said Gamal.

“You mean the missiles and bombs?” asked Aharon.

“Yes, I have been wanting to use them,” said Gamal.

“Me, too,” replied Aharon.

“It’s time for me to report on what we have in our coffers,” said Abasi, the treasurer.

“Go ahead,” said Aharon.

“Our coffers are swelling and our land holdings are growing,” said Abasi.

“Can we visit the vaults and see for ourselves?” asked Gamal.

“Yes, I will plan a visit in a couple of days,” replied Abasi.

“Some of the priests are rebelling and would like to receive more pay for preaching to the commoners about the gods,” said Gazil.

“Let’s gather the complainers and torture them in front of the others to teach them a lesson,” said Gamal.

“They are part of our group. Do we really want to handle the matter in this manner?” asked Aharon sternly.

“Let’s invite them to our next meeting to discuss their concerns,” said Gamal, begrudgingly. Gamal was getting frustrated with the ones who were serving as priests. Their work was not as demanding and as dangerous as his work. However, they kept demanding to be paid more. Pretty soon their pay was going to match Gamal’s.

Amenhotep was lounging lazily with a couple of concubines when his wife interrupted him to discuss what was happening with Akid. “I believe Gamal is working Akid too hard. He has him running to get things for him night and day. Have you seen our son lately?” asked Sabra.

“I don’t want to question what is going on with our son. I am suppose to follow all orders and one of the orders was to turn over our son,” said Amenhotep while his hand rested on one of the women’s hips. She sighed and rolled closer to him.

Sabra did not care about her husband and was more than happy to turn him over to other women. She put her hands on her hips and glared at Amenhotep until he felt compelled to respond to her.

“I will see what I can do about Akid’s situation,” said Amenhotep. The love between the two of them was lost years ago but he was still grateful for three sons she gave him; Akid, Thutmoses, and Amenhotep IV.

That evening Amenhotep grasped his chest and fainted. He hit his head of the marble post of his bed. He died that evening of what was determined natural causes. The ones who examined him thought it was either his heart or the bump on his head that killed him.

Thutmoses died two days later of unknown causes. Akid was too young so Amenhotep IV was being considered to fill his father’s sandals. Amenhotep was not really interested in being the pharaoh. He didn’t want the responsibility. With some convincing, he finally conceded. The deaths of Thutmoses and Amenhotep III were of no concern for the Brotherhood of the Serpent since they held complete control of the political and religious power of the empire through the Amun priesthood. They decided that Amenhotep IV was charismatic and intelligent and would be readily accepted by the people of Egypt as the new ruler.

            “Mother, I am the new ruler and as the ruler I will promote Akid to a higher position,” said Amenhotep to appease his mother. Akid was asked to join them in Amenhotep’s chambers. Akid voiced his opinion about doing too much for Gamal. Gamal was asked to join their meeting and Gamal agreed that perhaps Akid is worthy of different position. Akid smiled widely at his mother and ran to her side.

            Amenhotep took on an empire that was at its peak in power and control and feared by the known world. He agreed to follow orders of the Amun priesthood to continue to hold onto the position Egypt had achieved. He did not know how to run an empire and told them he would have to rely on them to guide him. He was crowned as the tenth pharaoh of the eighteenth dynasty. Things went well for Amenhotep for the first few years. His charisma won him accolades amongst the Egyptian people and he was one of the first to rise to popularity while in his teens.

            Living in the lap of luxury was not enough for Amenhotep, he started examining what was occurring behind the scenes of the Amun priesthood. He saw the poor people scrounging for food in waste receptacles. He observed them working from the break of dawn until dusk. The commoners were weary and hungry while the elite, the priests and rulers were living off the fat of the land, enjoying the opulence of their status. The Amun priesthood recently created two more gods with corresponding amulets. The commoners were ordered to pay for the new amulets.

            Amenhotep was married to the illustrious and mysterious Nerfertiti. Her relatives began to convince Amenhotep that he was the real ruler and not the priesthood. They reminded him of the Golden Ages and the Amun priests were not using the sacred knowledge from the age in the proper manner.

            “You are meant to be the pharaoh, the real ruler of Egypt. You are not meant to follow the orders of the priesthood,” said Nerfertiti and her brother, Nanillaq. Amenhotep was also a member of the Brotherhood of the Serpent but that did not stop him from questioning their goals and hidden agendas. He knew about their goal to amass great fortunes at the expense of the commoners.

            Amenhotep entered Abasi’s chambers and confronted the tax collectors. He knocked over the tables and threw the coins out the window and onto the streets. The commoners were running around collecting the coins.

            “You must stop collecting taxes from the poor people and start earning the money yourselves. We must stop taking advantage of the poor people. They are starving and going without while we live in luxury,” said Amenhotep.

            Amenhotep stopped and rubbed his chin. He had a grand idea.

            “Nerfertiti I have a wonderful idea,” said Amenhotep.

            “What is it my love,” replied Nerfertiti.

            “I am going to erase all the gods that are being worshipped. Egypt will only worship one god, Aten. I will be the one the commoners need to come to. I will be the conduit, the link with the only god.”

            “You are going to worship the god of my people. That is wonderful.”

            “I am also going to change my name to Akhenaten.”

            “I know what that means. It means Amun is satisfied,” said Nanillaq.

            All the temples were closed that were run by the Brotherhood of the Serpent. The Egyptians were ordered to only worship the Sun god, Aten.   Amenhotep was the first to bring about a monotheistic religion.

            The country had to sell more goods to foreign countries to make up the difference that was made from the selling of amulets. Things were going downhill fast because Amenhotep decided he was too important to be bothered with the running of his empire and he turned things over to those he thought he could trust to make sound decisions.

            Amenhotep was found dead one morning. The Brotherhood of the Serpent celebrated and it didn’t take long to put another pharaoh in place that would follow their command. The multiple gods were added to the religious practices and the commoners were coerced into buying amulets and spells again to protect themselves from the evil forces which was taken from their meager pay as laborers. They were back to being charged taxes.


The Shemsu Hor cult existed during the Golden ages in which the original divine kings existed and remained in Egypt until the kings ascended back into the stars. Ancient belief systems established that humans lived in 5,000 year stages beginning with the Golden Age. Things were getting worse as time expired. The Golden Age was a time of enlightenment when civilizations reached their highest potential in the areas of architecture, spirituality and generosity. Circumstances declined slightly during the Silver Age, deteriorate during the Bronze Age and reached an all-time low during the Iron and Dark Age when there is chaos, corruption, and ignorance. The Dark Ages continued into the 21st century. The Shemsu Hor succeeded to implement their evil intentions throughout many of the stages.

They were an industrious group that created, maintained and rebuilt temples in sacred locations. These areas were once heavily populated while the original divine kings were in place. For thousands of years before the last major flood, the Shemsu Hor preserved most of the ancient cities in Egypt that were steeped in Egyptian mythology. They did such a thorough job that the very roots of their alien history was displayed in plain sight while their very essence was blanketed in mystery.

Rustic Pine River Campground

Pine River Rustic Campground

Ravens and hawks flying above us, the air is warm and there is a slight breeze. We back up our popup trailer in a good spot, a shaded area. I spray Skin So Soft bug repellant on myself and our dogs. I hand the bottle to my husband Don and he sprays some on himself. The bugs are terrible when you are in the woods.  I love the rustic campground. No electricity, no lights except for the flashlights and candles I bring to provide lumination. Sometimes we hear people riding four wheelers on the roads near the campground. Otherwise we are by ourselves, completely by ourselves.

Doogie is excited. He remembers there is water he can going swimming in. He is definitely a water dog. I walk our dogs down to the water. I walk down a path that becomes narrower. There is a walking bridge that adjoins the two sides of the stream, probably Pine River. Doogie and Snickers our other dog jump in the water. They are drinking the cool nectar, splashing and putting their heads in the water.  Tails wagging. Once they are cooled off, I take them back to the camp sight to see if Don needs my help with setting things up.

I enter the trailer and make our bed for the evening. Find the hand sanitizer and candle that we will use as a night light, a candle in a glass jar. We also have battery operated lights and flashlights. Snickers  needs to go out at night to relieve himself and the night can be as black as being in a dark tunnel, depending on the state of the moon.

Everything is set up including the chairs and Don starts preparing a campfire. We love to sit near campfires to read and discuss things that are going on in our lives. We happen to be best friends who love to spend time in each other’s company.

Don likes to take naps in the afternoon so he prepared to sit near the campfire and doze off. I used this time, which was still afternoon, to take our dogs for a walk on the North Country Trail. The trail is located across the road from the campground. Again, our dogs recognize the trail since we walked it many times and follow me with eager anticipation.

The trail was mostly flat with some overgrowth in some areas and goes deep into the woods, one of my favorite places to be. I like to go hiking a lot in wooded areas either by myself or with Don and our dogs.  The day is in the 80s but it feels cooler when I am in the woods. Doogie and Snickers stick to the trail or explore at the sides of the trail.  They are good dogs who have to keep us in their sight so they do not stray far. They love the smells and new experiences. I love the smell of pine, listening to the birds and experiencing the warm breeze on my face. 

I usually time my walks and my plan today was to walk approximately 25 minutes in and then turn around and walk back to the camp sight. Don’t want to be gone too long.  Dry leaves were rustling under my feet in some locations, spongy, soft moss was under my feet for a short distance but most of the time it was hard dirt surface.  Ferns grew along part of the path.

When I return to the camp sight, we begin to prepare dinner. We cooked hot dogs over the camp fire. I like to incorporate fruits and vegetables into our diet so we munched on carrots, celery and apples. Our appetites are satisfied so we settle down in front of the camp fire to read. Another one of our favorite things to do. It is too dark to read in front of the fire so we talk and stare at the fire. We yawn and decide it is time to turn in. Our dogs gladly climb into the trailer and are fast asleep shortly after they lay down on their bed, dreaming about their wonderful day. We fall asleep soon afterwards listening to the birds, crickets and the slight breeze emanating through the screens.