Sunday, December 28, 2014

New Year's Resolutions for 2015

New Year’s Resolutions for 2015
                I have given much thought to the resolutions I want to make for 2015. Part of what I want to pursue in 2015 is the enhancement of my musical ability. I observe others such as my friend Mary who played her guitar for us at a Creative Endeavor’s meeting. She played Christmas music which was quite delightful. I want to continue my writing career and finish at least two more books in 2015. I completed three books and that will make five books altogether. I have a lot to say about specific topics. I want to continue with my volunteer efforts. I thoroughly enjoy working with the animals at the animal shelter and creating situations in which elders can socialize and participate in life-long learning. Another tried and sometimes resolution after all the holiday eating is to begin a healthier lifestyle of eating nutritious foods and exercising. I am on my way to the latter. I exercise almost on a daily basis. It’s the food thing I need to get a better handle on.  There are so many things to work on and I also want to live a life of balance.
                One of my resolutions will involve watching Oprah Winfrey’s Super Soul Sunday programs.  This morning I watched one of her shows and Don Miguel Riuz was her guest speakers He wrote the book “The Four Agreements,” which touched my life many years ago. All the people who were giving testimonials concerning his book, stated it changed their lives completely. The four agreements are:
1.       Be Impeccable With Your Words
2.       Don’t Take Things Personally
3.       Don’t Make Assumptions
4.       Always Do Your Best.
                Think about the four above statements. Be impeccable with your words was discussed first and Winfrey told the audience about how she is usually true to her word when it comes to others; but she will short change herself. She gave the example of taking time to exercise and then shortening the time she originally agreed to exercise. We need to stand behind what we say for ourselves and others, pick our words carefully to portray our exact meanings, and use our words in a constructive manner. Don’t take things personally and don’t make assumptions are behinds all of life’s dramas.
                The last but certainly not least is always do your best. I spent eight years in scouting and the Cub Scout motto is always do your best. I love the beliefs and values taught by scouting. I practice on a regular basis: leave the area in which you visited in better shape than the way you found it. My husband, Don, and myself often clean areas. For example, we leave the animal shelter better than the way we found it when we volunteer on Sundays. I usually try to do my best; but I could improve in that area.
                About eating and exercising, I have purchased several books on self care from thrift shops. I am reading through some to see if I can pick up some more ideas on how to get in better shape. One of my aunts said to me that she doesn’t care about having a girlish figure; but she does not like carrying around extra weight.  Things are easier to do when she weighs less. What a healthy way to look at things.
                I continue to examine all my relationships. We are people who need people and we need to do the best we can to protect all our relationships. And if a relationship is not healthy for us, we should probably leave that relationship. I have had to say goodbye to some relationships and I picked up other relationships, ones that have proven to be healthier for me. Sometimes we have to love people from afar. I think the relationship I have with my spouse is getting healthier and healthier as we age. We are each other’s best friend.
                However, one of the barriers I face is not appreciating what I have and instead focusing on what I don’t have. I need to practice gratitude more. I need to be grateful for all that I have learned through good and bad times. I am reminded of Deb Ford’s book “Spiritual Divorce.” Things happen for a reason and there is something(s) we are suppose to learn from that situation.
                I am reading the book “A Father’s Book of Wisdom.” Here are some of the quotes in that book I want to share with you:
If you judge people, you have no time to love them.  -Mother Teresa
If your life is free of failures, you’re not taking enough risks.  -Unknown
Some goals are so worth, it’s glorious even to fail.  -Unknown
Do it! Move it! Make it happen! No one ever sat their way to success.  -Unknown
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.  -Eleanor Roosevelt
It’s not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are.  -Roy Disney
Never, never, never, never give up.  -Winston Churchill
Real generosity is doing something nice for someone who’ll never find out.  –Frank A. Clark
Never let a day go by without giving at least three people a compliment.  –Unknown
The harder you work, the luckier you get.  –Gary Player
Failure is success if we learn from it.  –Malcomb S. Forbes
                I especially like the last quote. One of the Super Soul Sunday speakers noted that it is important to be good at failing. We learn best from our failures. If everything went perfect wouldn’t life be boring. What would we have to talk about? If Don and I thought exactly alike, I would be bored to tears.  His opinions that vary from mine add spice and variety to our relationship and I welcome our differences. Variety is the spice of life. I have permitted others to make me feel inferior and I learned that I need to count on myself and believe in myself. I have discovered that I have goals that seem to be ones that I am inspired to do. Being inspired is being linked to divinity. I am driven to write books with specific topics. I am driven to work with animals. I am driven to be the best I can be when I provide instruction to my students. In order to accomplish our goals we have to move, just do it. Our lives are what we make of them and our happiness must come from within, not from outside sources. It is up to us to make the best out o four lives.



Monday, December 8, 2014

The Christmas Holiday

The Christmas Holiday
Over the many Christmas holidays I have experienced throughout my lifetime I have discovered that this time of year can be very stressful. It’s filled with overeating, eating things that are not exactly good for us and being just plain busy with visiting, wrapping, filling out Christmas cards, decorating, the whole nine yards. I don’t spend a day baking and decorating cookies anymore and was happy to give up that tradition. There are things we can do to make the holidy season more enjoyable. We can all have a happy holiday season if we reach out to others. 
                I can understand why people who have faced hard times find the holidays especially difficult. There is so much hype in the media about festive events and if our holiday festivities are not as elaborate as the ones portrayed by the media we may consider ourselves failures. However, Christmas and Thanksgiving should represent our gratefulness for what we do have in our lives. Even the poorest of the poor have something to be grateful for. I am grateful for my loving husband, our wonderful pets and my health. My health affords me many opportunities to get out and enjoy life and participate in volunteer activities.
                My husband and I are so much beyond the partying stage in our lives and we enjoy a good movie with a large bucket of popcorn on our lap. What a treat. We enjoy going for walks with our dogs. We enjoy making the lives of our little furry friends at the animal shelter a little bit better. I sit in the middle of the floor and they climb on top of me and cuddle with me. I like looking at the bulletin board that my husband and I decorated at the shelter and our ability to bring cats out front to get adopted.  We have actually volunteered at the shelter during the holidays and brought a little Christmas cheer to our little furry friends. All the cats are usually given canned cat food. It’s cute when they order us to serve them.  Over 100 cats have been adopted because we donated feature cat kits. Some cats have been passed by and we help them find a home. We love that these cats are now in a home hopefully getting the love they deserve.
                I also volunteer for an elders group. I have done a lot for this group and I am considering stepping down from my position. They are placing a lot of responsibility on my shoulders and it takes a lot of my time.  However, I am happy that I was able to assist this organization for the past four years. I have learned a lot from the sessions that were provided and have learned a lot from the entire experience and met a lot of wonderful people.
                Knowing that we have made a difference in the lives of many furry and non-furry beings has brought a lot of happiness to us.  I saw a posting on facebook in which a family decided to give to charity what they would spend on each other for Christmas. I think that is great. I think that the giving of Christmas should be practiced throughout the year. We can do so by donating our time, by giving to others what we can afford to give and by being nice to one another. More people need to realize that the more you give the more you get. I am not talking about money. I am talking about being rich with the good feeling from helping others.
                Let’s take this time to start a habit of giving of our time and resources to those in need.  We can all give more and enjoy doing so. We need to give ourselves a hug and tell ourselves how wonderful we are. Also, let’s use this time of year to start a habit of being kind and nonjudgmental to our neighbors, friends, acquaintances, people we don’t know and all the furry little creatures. All of us can make a difference in the lives of others.


Science of the Soul


Science of the Soul
The concept of the soul was explained in the documentary Science of the Soul that aired on October 5, 2014. This documentary was shown on the History Channel. The term “soul” was explored by using a scientific perspective which included accounts of near death experiences, and brain wave measurements. Questions were posed regarding the concept of the soul: Does the brain activity indicate that our soul exists? Once the soul leaves the body is that soul waiting for Jesus’ resurrection? If the soul leaves the body where does it go? Will science prove telepathy is the result of souls communicating with one another? Is IQ a measurement of the soul?
            Through scientific study it was decided that consciousness is separate from our brains or consciousness is considered our natural brain. The brain consists of 100 billion neurons. The soul is a matter of faith. In 2007, 81% of people surveyed during a peer research study reported that they believe in an afterlife. There have been many attempts made to quantify the soul.
            In 1907, Dr. Duncan McDougal carried out a rather strange and morbid scientific study. He watched six people die, they were weighed before and after their deaths. It was determined that the soul weighs 21 grams or less than an ounce. This study received a tiny mention in the New York Times.
            Through various studies it was determined that the death of our physical body is not the death of our soul. Religion provides us with a way to describe the phenomenon that is  easy to discern. Religion is paradoxical. We want to hug our deceased grandmother; but at the same time we want to live forever.
            Ancient Greeks believed our body is unimportant. Our body consists of basic impulses that are considered somewhat unacceptable. Our soul represents everything that is good. They believed that soul dispersed into small atoms. The Greeks believed in reincarnation. These beliefs are challenged by Christianity which considers the body and soul as one thing. Christian souls are referred to as ghosts. The Ancient Egyptians believed in an afterlife and the body is entangled with the soul. They learned how to mummify their dead. They saved the organs and tossed the brain. Renee Descartes said "I think so therefore I am" during the 17th century. The field of neuroscience was bron due to his insight.           
            Science was used to unlock the secrets of reincarnation. Files were examined on 2,500 children. In May 2000, in Lafayette, Louisiana a study was conducted with a young child. He started kicking in his sleep when he was two years old. He would have non-stop dreams. His visions became very real when he was awake. James Leininger was the son of Andrea and Bruce. Andrea was a Ballerina instructor and Bruce was an HR manager. Both were Christian and did not believe in reincarnation. At age three and older he began drawing pictures of a plane that was on fire and diving to the earth.  James reported that when he was older he wanted to fly a F18 plane. James would tell his parents over and over again that he was a fighter pilot and his plane went down. The Japanese shot the plane and this occurred during WWII.  James knew about vintage planes. It was discovered that he may have been reincarnated from James Houston, a navy army pilot. James named his GI Joes Billie, Walter, and Leon. They were pilots who were killed before he died. He said he met them in heaven. His parents were shocked at the details given to them by their son.
            James insisted on meeting with James H.’s sister. He asked about a picture that only James and his sister knew about. It was a picture that Jame H.’s mother painted for her children. Anne, Jame’s sister, finally believed that she was talking with her deceased brother. James reported to his parents that he chose them to be his parents. He thought they would be good parents. He found them at a pink motel in Hawaii during the time they decided to have a child.
            His parents wanted him to move on so they took him to the place where the plane went down. He cried and threw flowers into the water. Things changed drastically after that. James did get on with his life and he even drew a picture that depicted peace.
            It was reported that indigenous people believe in spirits. Need to harmonize the soul with spirits. Harmonizing the soul prepares the youth for adulthood. Westerners believe we are born with our souls. It is believed that the soul is a meeting place between our existence and another world.
            Studies were conducted by working with children, mostly preschool age. The scientists reported that children are closest to their souls before they develop their identity. Alison Gopnik went on to report that neurons in children’s brains are more active, like lanterns and adults brains only light up when learning is going on. When the child becomes self aware their brain slows down.
            In 1846, people started using things that provided a feeling of anesthesia, their pain was blocked. First they used laughing gas and then it was ether. It was discovered that ether blocked the pain. When people are under anesthesia, they do not dream. There is no consciousness. Dr. Hamerof started conducting a study involving anesthesia and patients’ brain activity when they were under anesthesia. Brain scanners revealed that their brains were active as if the patients were awake.
            13 million people reported near death experiences. Near death experiences are very common. There was a study conducted with 1,500 heart attack victims. The mind and brain are separate. Yvonne Kason, M.D. was in a plane accident. The plane went down and she was swimming in very cold water. She appeared to be above her body watching herself swim. At first she felt terror when the plane was plummeting to the earth and then she felt at peace.Yvonne was nearly dead due to hyperthermia. She was placed in very hot water to bring her back to life. She said when her soul returned to her body, it was like a vacuum sound when it entered her body like a genie entering a bottle. Souls do return to the body.
            Dr. Henry Markram is experimenting with a blue brain project. He is building a brain. Questions that come up with these exploration are: will these forms of artificial intelligence be able to reason like we do? Can a model be built that can speak and have a higher brain structure? The scientists are using rat neurons, these neurons are emerged in artificial brain fluid. These are still living neurons. The neurons are mapped. Humans have 100 billion neurons in their brain. The scientists are building a brain one computerized neuron at a time. They are analyzing the rules of the structures of the neurons. The scientists using this form of simulation based research hoped to be completed in ten years. They question will this brain have emotions and a soul.
            David Chalmers discusses singularity and this is predicted by consciousness. Can these machines overpower us? Will the blue brain become evil? These are things to consider. Have you seen the television show Person of Interest?
            Hiroschi Ishiguro has designed a robot that resembles him, an android. It is a life size version of him. His plan is for these robots to join the workforce and take over the hard jobs that humans do not want to do. Hiroschi is from Japan and the Japanese believe everything has a soul. Souls are everywhere. The robots are constructed with facial recognition software. They cost $100,000. However they are referred to as brain damaged. The robots’ body movements are difficult. It is predicted that within the next generation, sensitive robots who can feel and demonstrate emotions will exist. 
            Mechanical companions resembling medium sized stuffed animals were created for the elderly in Japan. These toys were created to calm and soothe them. They are aware of the person’s emotions and respond in a way that provides comfort.
            The soul is a mysterious concept. There are many questions that come up when we discuss the soul. The soul leaves the body when a person experiences near death and then reenter the body. Science has proven that reincarnation does exist. Children are closer to their souls then adults are. People under anesthesia may be closer to their souls. Do our souls have memory and are they part of our consciousness?