Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Downtown Development Authority

A presentation was given by Justin Kepper, the director of the Downtown Development Authority (DDA), for the Lake Superior Elders on July 11, 2012.  In 1975 Michigan lawmakers made the decision to put into place the Downtown Development Authority Act.  As a result of the deterioration of cities such as Detroit, this act would turn things around.  The DDA was established in this community for at least 20 years.  This agency is responsible for beautifying the downtown area and making improvements in areas that need improvement. The board of the DDA includes business people from Sault Ste. Marie and any other person who is voted in to sit on the board by other board members.  There are eight or nine people who serve on the board of the DDA. The boundaries that the DDA are concerned about consist of all of Ashmun Street side streets near the downtown area, East Easterday Avenue, Osborn Blvd., up to the new city hall on Portage, and any area considered a part of the downtown area of the Sault.

One of their projects included fixing up the area behind Maloney’s Alley and nearby businesses.  The area that will be fixed next is behind Avery Square.  The DDA is responsible for the planting and upkeep of all the flowers that were planted in the downtown area.  The group has been working diligently to improve and promote retail services in the downtown area.  They are exploring the possibility of developing an opportunity for niche shopping, for people looking for specialty items.  “Thinking of You” and “Hidden Treasures” are two new shops.  The later is a clothing store. Many volunteers, interns and staff provide their time and effort and carrying out all of the DDA’s responsibilities. 

The DDA operates under a budget of approximately $800,000 to $13 million annually.  There are separate funding bases such as one set up for the parking places and structures.  These areas are maintained on a regular basis.  A call was received about a dog messing up the front of a business.  This was cleaned immediately by the maintenance staff.  Two sororities cleaned a couple of the parks.

A discussion was held about specific ideas for the downtown area. One suggestion was the fact that many of the buildings that exist in this community should be considered historical buildings.  This town has existed since the 1600s. Kepper thought that perhaps there may be restoration of some of the buildings. Some of the businesses have put canopies and other things on the front of the buildings which detract from the way these buildings were before.  It would be great to return things to the way they were before the renovations and make this town a historic site. 

An elder asked about bike and walking trails.  Kepper stated that this has been a request since the 1930s.  It has been discussed that eventually there will be a walking/biking trail that runs along the canal.  He added that there are not very many apartments above the businesses in the downtown area.  An elder said “there isn’t any parking.”  He responded by saying that there is a parking garage with 400 spaces and only approximately 100 of the spaces are being used.  Kepper went on to tell the group about a grant that will be paying individuals with apartments to agree to renovate these apartments and they would be paid $35,000. per rental unit to go towards these renovations. This grant would also be good towards the constructing of new apartments in already established buildings.  He told about an apartment that was constructed from a bank that was closed down.  Kepper said that one of the apartments comes with a bank vault.

There was another question about the Bomb Shelter.  He responded that the man who was renovating that building didn’t want to obtain a building permit.  The man didn’t like dealing with the system so he finally threw in the towel.  The business is being sold for under $400,000. 

Another future project may be the construction of a community kitchen.  People can rent the space to make things such as jams in a licensed facility to sell to the public. 

Part of the presentation included a discussion about future events.  He handed out a flyer describing what was occurring during the first week in August.  Some of the events are a sidewalk sale, car show, tall ship exhibit, and the DDA hired the U.S. Official Navy Band for that same weekend.  Should be a good time. 

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