Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Genealogy 101

On November 7, 2012 I attended a session provided by the Lake Superior Elders at Lake Superior State University.  Steve Gordon gave the presentation.

He said these were mistakes to avoid:

1.        Don’t put off talking to relatives.

2.       Don’t forget to document what you learn from relatives and others about your own history.

3.       Don’t assume that everything you find is true.

4.       Don’t accept family legends without question.  However, keep these stories.

5.       Don’t limit yourself to current spelling of surnames.

6.       Beware of generic family history

7.       Don’t misspell the word genealogy.

Where to start you genealogy search:

1.       Start with yourself and go down the line from your parents to your grandparents, etc.

2.       Go to these sites:

3.       Check out your local libraries.

The Bayliss library in Sault Ste. Marie (the Bayliss library pays for the Heritage Quest for member to use)

4.       Search Census Information

5.       Michigan State Archives

6.       Register of Deeds

7.       University Libraries

8.       Transcription Project –

9. (the 1940 census is now available to the public)

10.   The Ontario Genealogical Society at

11.   Use forms such as the Pedigree Chart and Family Group Sheet located from the site mentioned above.

12.   When you are doing your search ask for vital records such as birth certificates, death certificates, and marriage licenses.

13.   The Social Security Death Index is another place to do your search.

14.   Be aware of name changes, when your relatives went through Ellis Island, names were changed.

This was a very informative presentation and I think I will explore the 1940 census data information. Have you completed a family tree yet?



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