Sunday, August 4, 2013

How to Work with a Shy Cat

Hi My Name is Stardust. Please read my story so you learn about cats who are really shy, but can end up in good homes and blossom. I don’t really remember my life with the family I was with before I went to the shelter. It was too long ago. I was born about three and a half years ago.  I was brought to the Chippewa County Animal Shelter because my previous guardians had allergies to cats.  I wish that wasn’t the case, but things worked out for me in the long run.
I was placed in the shelter back in January 2008.  I shared a cage with a cat named Stork for awhile.  He has an interesting story. Stork was living in this home with 40 or 50 cats and the lady who was running the home got sick and couldn’t take care of him and his buddies.  So he ended up at the shelter.  Stork is still at the shelter looking for a nice home.  He demands canned food when my mom is there.  She has spoiled him. My mom volunteers at the shelter. That worked out great for me because that is where she met me.  Because I was in a cage for so long I didn’t want to leave my cage.  It became my safe place. I was in the cage for approximately 18 months when she and my dad decided to take me to their home. 

They didn’t introduce me to the other cats until I was good and ready. First of all, my new mom and dad put me in a room all by myself. They would sit on the floor in that room with me and waited until I was ready to approach them.  It took a couple of days before I would get close enough to be petted.  The first time I purred at my new home I gave myself the hiccups, because I was purring so hard and loud.  They thought it was cute.  I thought it was annoying.   

They put some fencing at the bottom of the stairs so I could explore all around the basement.  It was cool.  Meanwhile the other cats were getting use to me, especially Caleb and Fluffs. I could have easily climbed the fencing when I was good and ready.  One day I told myself enough of this and surprised my mom.  She was eating her breakfast and watching the news and I walked into the living room and meowed at her.  I’ve been having run of the whole house ever since. I am friends with some of the cats. Those torties Cleo and Callie are another story. I heard torties have attitudes, which I am discovering.  Sport is still a little timid with me, but Caleb and I are getting along just fine.   

I get tuna two to three times a week and cat nip.  My mom and dad call cat nip tuna, because they don’t want to confuse us.  I also have at my disposal a lot of toys to play with and they use this laser light that I love to chase. There are these three dogs at my home.  I had to teach the bigger one a lesson or two and now he really respects me.   

I wrote about my life so you would know that I was one of those shy cats and people kept passing me by because I didn’t come to the front of the cage to be picked up. Give the shy cats a chance.  Yeah, give the shy dogs a break too. My mom and dad work with shy and scared cats and dogs at the shelter.  It may take us a little longer to warm up to you, but when we do it is so worth it.  Ask my mom how she feels when I cuddle up to her and purr.  

Thanks for reading my story.


1 comment:

  1. You work this magic , of course you can write about it . It is you.
