Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Reiki Massage Therapy

The term “Reiki” is usually translated “universal life energy.”  It is a holistic healing system, meaning it treats the whole being, addressing problems and healing at all levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.  Along with other therapies, such as acupuncture, homeopathy, and flower essence therapy, Reiki is part of the emerging field of energetic healing, rediscovered from the wisdom and knowledge of ancient cultures for use in modern times.  Everything in the universe is connected by energy.  By transmitting the healing energy of the universe along energetic pathways and through the practitioner’s hands to the client.
            A Reiki treatment can be given to a person, with the hands of the practitioner placed on or at a short distance from the client; or, since Reiki is energetic in essence, it can be sent across a distance, across a room or to another geographic location.  Reiki can be used to maintain health and energetic balance in a healthy being, to heal illness, injuries, emotional and spiritual problems, and to ease the transition between life and death.
            Reiki goes directly to the source of the problem, even if it is unknown to the practitioner and client, and heals at a level and intensity that a being is open to receive.  If the healing that’s most necessary involves some aspect of a situation, Reiki will go beyond the being’s physical and emotional body and bring the healing that’s needed to the situation.  Reiki will benefit not only the person being treated but also the health of the person giving it.  Every time a Reiki practitioner gives a treatment, the Reiki flows through him/her, healing her and the client simultaneously.  The feeling of receiving a Reiki treatment is one of deep relaxation. Over time Reiki deepens your intuition, so that a deeper level of communication with clients becomes possible.  As you practice Reiki and receive Reiki treatments, it brings out who you are at the most authentic level, enhancing your most innate gifts, talents and potential. 
In practicing Reiki with animals, you’ll find that the more animals you treat, the more you’ll encounter animals in need of healing.  Animals understand Reiki’s benefits especially domestic cats and will seek you out when they need healing.  The beauty of Reiki as a healing system is its simple, gentle nature combined with its powerful and transformative results.  



Are We Being Watched?

            Edward Snowden brought to the world’s attention the danger of hacking by his spectacular heist in the history of spycraft.  Snowden was charged with theft and violations relating to the Espionage Act.  A short while ago, stores such as Michaels had their systems hacked into.  Information from customer accounts was stolen to steal their identities, unsuspecting victims buying art and craft supplies.  By using those machines to swipe your credit and debit cards at many of the stores is putting ourselves at risk along with the convenience of on-line banking and on-line marketing. Coleen Rowley, FBI agent, compared Snowden to Benjamin Franklin, who was postmaster general in 1773 and he took advantage of his position to provide letters from American officials who were secretly collaborating with British authorities. 

            Let’s rehash about Edward Snowden, born June 21, 1983.  He was an American computer specialist and former employee of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).  He served as a former contractor for the National Security Agency  (NSA).  He became international news when he disclosed thousands of classified documents to several media outlets; Google, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, AOL, PalTalk and Yahoo.  The documents revealed operational details of global surveillance programs run by the NSA and other governments: United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand along with the cooperation of a number of businesses and European governments.  The release of classified material was referred to as the most significant leak in U.S. history.  Internet surveillance programs such as PRISM, MUSCULAR, XKeystone, Tempora, and the large collection of U.S. and European telephone metadata were exposed.  Snowden leaked information from these documents to “The Guardian” and “The Washington Post” while he was employed under a NSA contract.  Snowden has been referred to as a hero, a whistleblower, a dissident, a traitor and a patriot.  These disclosures have inspired debates over mass surveillance, government secrecy, and has brought up questions about national security and privacy of U.S. citizens.  Two court rulings have brought into question NSA’s bulk collection of telephone metadata. 

            Snowden is regarded as a fugitive by American authorities who charged him with espionage.  He is residing in an undisclosed location in Russia and is seeking asylum in Europe.  Snowden presently serves as Rector of the University of Glasgow, a three year post.  He also serves on the “Freedom of the Press Foundation board of directors.  Some of the media outlets and politicians have called for leniency in the form of clemency, amnesty and pardon.  Otherwise his acts are being heralded by many.

            We are being watched.  The cell phone in our pockets tracks our movements and stores that information with our service providers.  This makes me happy that I don’t use a cell phone on a regular basis, only when I am on the road which isn’t often.  Email chats and text messages we create map our social relations and records our thoughts.  Credit card purchases demonstrate our spending habits and tastes.  Mass transit data bases records our travel when we board subways and buses.  The search engines we enter on our computers such as Google preserves our searches and the information can be linked to our computers for a standard period of nine months. 

            The progression of technologies will even add more data to the grid.  These technologies involve wearable computing devices that monitor our pulse.  Surveillance cameras are rigged with facial-recognition software.  The Nordstrom and Apple retail companies are exploring technology that will measure and record how long you linger before any single display.  Our information is wanted and used in ways that are not always in our best interests and violates our privacy. i

            The next time you swipe your card at Walmart or Michaels for that matter keep in mind who has privy to that information.  When you look up things by using search engines, remember that Google and other companies may be storing your information for future surveillance or for profit interests.  Snowden brought to attention how much information is being stored by the NSA along with other governmental and private companies.  We are being watched.  We are all living in glass houses being watched by those who don’t have anything better to do.  Our tax dollars going to very unworthy causes while our privacy is being violated. 


i Scherer, M. December 23, 2013 Issue.  Time Magazine.  Number Two Edward Snowden: The Dark Prophet. 

Thursday, March 13, 2014


            Meteorology is the scientific study of the atmosphere or what we refer to as the weather.  The study of the atmosphere goes back approximately a thousand years; but real progress in this field did not occur until the 18th century.  It makes sense that it wasn’t until after the creation of the computer that a significant advancement in weather forecasting was attained.  Atmospheric phenomenon are observable weather events which are explained by meteorology.  These events are associated with various variables existing within the Earth’s atmosphere such as temperature, air pressure, water vapor and the interactions with each variable. 

            The beginning of the science of meteorology can be traced back to ancient India.  The ancient documents called the Upanishads, contained information about cloud formations and seasonal cycles caused by the movement of the earth around the sun.  According to Wikipedia, in 350 BC Aristotle wrote Meteorology.  He is considered the founder of meteorology.  Aristotle gave an impressive details about the hydrologic cycle.  The Greek Scientist, Theophrastus, completed a book on weather forecasting called the Book of Signs.  His work remained in the forefront and a major influence concerning weather forecasting for approximately 2000 years.  In 1494, Christopher Columbus documented the first European account of a hurricane.  In 1654, Ferdinando II de Medici established the first weather observing network that consisted of meteorological stations in Florence, Cutigliano, Vallombrosa, Bologna, Parma, Milan, Innsbruck, Osnabruck, Paris and Warsaw.  Weather observation data was collected and sent to Florence on a regular basis. 

            Each science has its own unique set of laboratory equipment.  There are many qualities or variations in the atmosphere that can be measured including rain, wind, and humidity.  The later can be felt but not seen.  The devices to measure these phenomenon were invented during the 15th century and were referred to as the rain gauge, the anemometer, and the hygrometer.  Sets of surface measurements are important data to collect also.  This data gives a snapshot of a variety of weather conditions at a specific location and this location is usually a weather station.  The measurements taken at a weather stations may include temperature, pressure, wind measurements, and humidity and these are measured by a thermometer, barometer, anemometer, and hygrometer.  Upper air data are of utmost importance for weather forecasting.  The most widely used are radiosondes.   These are launched into the atmosphere.  A network of aircraft collection supplement the information gleaned by the radiosondes. The small aircraft that take off from the Kincheloe, MI airstrip collect data for the local weather station that serves Sault Ste. Marie, MI and the surrounding areas.  Air balloons are sent into the air to collect the data using the radiosondes technology. 

            On March 12, 2014, I attended a session on Meteorology and the presenter stated that weather forecasting was why people watch television the most.  He worked for Channel 9 and 10 which covers 36 counties and now he does the weather broadcasts for Eagle Radio 95.1.  He showed a film about a 1991 Kansas tornado.  The people hid under an overpass.  They ended up being very lucky because they were up high under the overpass and needed to be lower such as in a ditch. The higher up you are the stronger the winds.  There was a discussion about tornado paths.  From Kalamazoo, MI to Hillsdale, MI is considered Tornado Alley.  The wind variations and other factors associated with the Great Lakes are linked to the cause of this phenomenon.  The presenter stated that 80 to 90% of tornadoes travel southwest to northeast.  A website was explored during the presentation: http://tempest.aos.wisc.edu/wcp_images/gf .     

Another source is Weathersmart.com.  He demonstrated why we were experiencing colder weather at this time of year by showing us a front that was holding the cold air in place and once this shifts we will get warmer weather.  We are 20 degrees colder than average for Sault Ste. Marie, MI. 

            Lake Effect Snow is caused by air moving slowly over the lakes and collecting moisture.  Then this moisture is mixed with the cold air and turns into a downfall of a lot of snow. If it is too windy, there won’t be lake effect snow.  Ten to 15 mile per hour winds are perfect for lake effect snow to develop.  Our lakes are frozen right now so moisture will not be collected and delivered over land in a large amount of snowfall. 

            During the presentation information was handed out about the difference between warning and watches.  A tornado warning is an alert telling us by the weather services that there are going to be severe thunderstorms with tornadoes being imminent.  It may be issued after a tornado or funnel cloud was seen by the public, storm chasers, emergency management or law enforcement or more commonly today by radar indications of tornado formations.  Take cover immediately if a tornado warning is issued for your county.  A tornado watch is issued if conditions are favorable for the development of severe thunderstorms that are capable of producing tornadoes.  The same goes for thunderstorm warnings versus watches.  Being in an area that experiences a lot of snowfall, we pay attention to winter storm warnings and watches.  All these services are put into place to protect us. 

            Weather forecasting has been going on for a long time.  Attempts have been made rather successfully to predict the weather.  Meteorology serves as a reminder of how much we have control of and how much is out of our control.  We are often at the mercy of the weather for planning many things in our lives.  The presenter was asked about what to expect this spring in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan since we got such a large amount of snow this year and the St. Mary’s River and Lakes are frozen.  It doesn’t look good.  For March, April and May we are suppose to have lower than normal temperatures with a lot of precipitation.  There was snow on May 11, 2013 and we have been getting snow in October.  I know I am getting really sick of winter as many people are in the United States.  He stated that this prediction was arrived at by using national systems and looking back many years to find a year that is similar to this year’s rainfall, snowfall and temperatures.  Last year it really didn’t feel like we had a spring of any sort, a short summer and fall and then it was winter again.  Is it going to be the same this year??







Thursday, March 6, 2014

Winter, Syria, Hot Chocolate, Muslims and Art Journaling

I thought I would mix things up a bit and try something new.  Time Magazine gives an interesting twist to the current news so I thought I would report on the news as I see it.  To start things off I really have a love for hot chocolate.  I went out to eat with my husband, Donny, in Petoskey and we tried to attend a writers' meeting which did not occur so I had hot chocolate since I don't make it a practice to drink caffeine.  Roast and Toast is a unique little coffee shop that also serves deli sandwiches, soups and such.  Neat place with coffee mugs embedded in the archway by the entrance to the shop.  It was well frequented.  People of all ages came into the establishment.  The hot chocolate was delicious.  Before we went to Roast and Toast, we visited another establishment called Mancinos in which Donny could partake in an Italian Grinder.  I made the promise that he could have pizza at least one time this week and he decided on a grinder.  I usually try to eat healthy foods, I know boring; but I decided to have a Gyro, it was yummy. 

We hear on the news, facebook and from people we meet everyday that winter is taking its toll on people.  I can be one of those people; but at the same time I like to play in the snow.  I am starting to wonder if we are going to see green again.  There is so much white, so much white.  It has been very cold too.  Colder than I ever remember it being for a long time.  When we see weather in the 20s we think it is a heat wave.  We, meaning Don and I, went snowshoeing yesterday.  We traveled around the campus at Boyne Mountain.  I wrote a chapter about the snowshoe priest, Baraga, who traveled hundreds of miles on snowshoes because he had to for his job.  We do have it made these days and will complain if we have to go out of our way to run errands.  Think of that poor man who traveled during the winter months across the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and upper Wisconsin and Minnesota.  He must have been freezing when he settled down at night.  I read his biography and he thought he was going to be a meal for wolves on occasion.  It's probably best that we get out and enjoy the winter and try not to complain about it.  What is that going to do?  I do try to think of spring instead of complaining about the winter. 

I have been keeping informed about what is going on in Syria.  What a mess!!  People are leaving the country by the droves. At one point approximately 300 people were arriving in Lebanon to set up temporary housing, usually one room structures for entire families.  Horrible things have been occurring such as an elderly man being struck by a hatchet while trying to walk down a street in Damascus.  It's horrible and reminds me how lucky we are to not have to live that way. Many of the Syrians do not want to leave their country or want to return to Syria as soon as possible.  They have a love of their country.  Ashad has been running amuck for a while now.  One man and his followers deciding the fate of the rest of the country.  A friend of ours who lives in Syria and works in the U.S. would like the people who want to fight for their country back to be given guns so they can.  What do you think? 

I am participating in a Muslim series with the Pickford library.  I read the book Percepolis" (spelling) which was written like a comic book.  Interesting.  Let's see if I can recap this book and what I learned in a paragraph or two.  There was a lot mentioned about the veils the women were forced to wear.  The reason behind the veils was to hide the women's hair because hair was considered sexy and may cause men to rape women if they saw their hair.  That was even a stretch for me.  Things like the game of Chess, cards, and alcohol were prohibited.  I talked with Don and a friend of mine and they thought that Chess and cards were outlawed because it would cause them to be able to strategize.  That's what we came up with.  What do you think?  The main character's family had a basement and they would have to run to the basement when they heard bombing.  The time this story took place was around 1979 in Iran.  The book served as a way to gain an understanding about  the lives of Muslims. The family took in a girl another family could not afford and she became the family's maid.  Poor people were not allowed to learn how to read.  I guess illiterate people are easier to manaage.  The main character in the story who was telling the story became rebellious as a teenager and the family was afraid that the rulers would force her to get married so they could assininate her if she continued to be rebellious.  Virgins could not be executed.  She was sent to Austria to save her life.  The book ended that way.  Again reminded how lucky I am to live in this country.  This country is far from perfect but we are not hiding from bombs and do not have to wear veils for rediculous reasons. 

Art journaling has been a venture that has expanded my understanding of art and my own personal abilities.  I attend an art journaling group once a month and do things on my own at home.  I use colored pencils, water color paints, painting pens, junk mail, old magazines, paste, mod podge, gesso, and other interesting art supplies.  Because it something I am starting to become more interested in I am collecting more and more supplies.  The goal is to give your work depth and meaning.  I am learning how to layer my work and add sayings and beliefs to my work.  "Don't let the fear of striking out hold you back" by Babe Ruth.  I have been dealing with some people in my life that have been self-serving and down right mean at times.  I put how I am going to address these problems in my book such as gratitude, making better choices, etc.  I add pages about addressing humor. I love to delve in humor.  I have to, to protect my sanity.   Art journaling has been very therapeutic for me. 

After I sign off tonight from preparing this blog I am going to prepare a cup of tea. Watch something humorous on television and turn in.  I will cuddle up to my husband and tell him I love him.  Life is good.