Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Reiki Massage Therapy

The term “Reiki” is usually translated “universal life energy.”  It is a holistic healing system, meaning it treats the whole being, addressing problems and healing at all levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.  Along with other therapies, such as acupuncture, homeopathy, and flower essence therapy, Reiki is part of the emerging field of energetic healing, rediscovered from the wisdom and knowledge of ancient cultures for use in modern times.  Everything in the universe is connected by energy.  By transmitting the healing energy of the universe along energetic pathways and through the practitioner’s hands to the client.
            A Reiki treatment can be given to a person, with the hands of the practitioner placed on or at a short distance from the client; or, since Reiki is energetic in essence, it can be sent across a distance, across a room or to another geographic location.  Reiki can be used to maintain health and energetic balance in a healthy being, to heal illness, injuries, emotional and spiritual problems, and to ease the transition between life and death.
            Reiki goes directly to the source of the problem, even if it is unknown to the practitioner and client, and heals at a level and intensity that a being is open to receive.  If the healing that’s most necessary involves some aspect of a situation, Reiki will go beyond the being’s physical and emotional body and bring the healing that’s needed to the situation.  Reiki will benefit not only the person being treated but also the health of the person giving it.  Every time a Reiki practitioner gives a treatment, the Reiki flows through him/her, healing her and the client simultaneously.  The feeling of receiving a Reiki treatment is one of deep relaxation. Over time Reiki deepens your intuition, so that a deeper level of communication with clients becomes possible.  As you practice Reiki and receive Reiki treatments, it brings out who you are at the most authentic level, enhancing your most innate gifts, talents and potential. 
In practicing Reiki with animals, you’ll find that the more animals you treat, the more you’ll encounter animals in need of healing.  Animals understand Reiki’s benefits especially domestic cats and will seek you out when they need healing.  The beauty of Reiki as a healing system is its simple, gentle nature combined with its powerful and transformative results.  




  1. I always learn so much from your blogs; keep up the good work!

  2. Cat's have wisdom.
    I love to be healed in these new, old ways They mean a lot to me.
    A healer, cat whisperer is one of my best friends. Guess who that is. No wonder I am uplifted by being with you. Mary
