Sunday, December 28, 2014

New Year's Resolutions for 2015

New Year’s Resolutions for 2015
                I have given much thought to the resolutions I want to make for 2015. Part of what I want to pursue in 2015 is the enhancement of my musical ability. I observe others such as my friend Mary who played her guitar for us at a Creative Endeavor’s meeting. She played Christmas music which was quite delightful. I want to continue my writing career and finish at least two more books in 2015. I completed three books and that will make five books altogether. I have a lot to say about specific topics. I want to continue with my volunteer efforts. I thoroughly enjoy working with the animals at the animal shelter and creating situations in which elders can socialize and participate in life-long learning. Another tried and sometimes resolution after all the holiday eating is to begin a healthier lifestyle of eating nutritious foods and exercising. I am on my way to the latter. I exercise almost on a daily basis. It’s the food thing I need to get a better handle on.  There are so many things to work on and I also want to live a life of balance.
                One of my resolutions will involve watching Oprah Winfrey’s Super Soul Sunday programs.  This morning I watched one of her shows and Don Miguel Riuz was her guest speakers He wrote the book “The Four Agreements,” which touched my life many years ago. All the people who were giving testimonials concerning his book, stated it changed their lives completely. The four agreements are:
1.       Be Impeccable With Your Words
2.       Don’t Take Things Personally
3.       Don’t Make Assumptions
4.       Always Do Your Best.
                Think about the four above statements. Be impeccable with your words was discussed first and Winfrey told the audience about how she is usually true to her word when it comes to others; but she will short change herself. She gave the example of taking time to exercise and then shortening the time she originally agreed to exercise. We need to stand behind what we say for ourselves and others, pick our words carefully to portray our exact meanings, and use our words in a constructive manner. Don’t take things personally and don’t make assumptions are behinds all of life’s dramas.
                The last but certainly not least is always do your best. I spent eight years in scouting and the Cub Scout motto is always do your best. I love the beliefs and values taught by scouting. I practice on a regular basis: leave the area in which you visited in better shape than the way you found it. My husband, Don, and myself often clean areas. For example, we leave the animal shelter better than the way we found it when we volunteer on Sundays. I usually try to do my best; but I could improve in that area.
                About eating and exercising, I have purchased several books on self care from thrift shops. I am reading through some to see if I can pick up some more ideas on how to get in better shape. One of my aunts said to me that she doesn’t care about having a girlish figure; but she does not like carrying around extra weight.  Things are easier to do when she weighs less. What a healthy way to look at things.
                I continue to examine all my relationships. We are people who need people and we need to do the best we can to protect all our relationships. And if a relationship is not healthy for us, we should probably leave that relationship. I have had to say goodbye to some relationships and I picked up other relationships, ones that have proven to be healthier for me. Sometimes we have to love people from afar. I think the relationship I have with my spouse is getting healthier and healthier as we age. We are each other’s best friend.
                However, one of the barriers I face is not appreciating what I have and instead focusing on what I don’t have. I need to practice gratitude more. I need to be grateful for all that I have learned through good and bad times. I am reminded of Deb Ford’s book “Spiritual Divorce.” Things happen for a reason and there is something(s) we are suppose to learn from that situation.
                I am reading the book “A Father’s Book of Wisdom.” Here are some of the quotes in that book I want to share with you:
If you judge people, you have no time to love them.  -Mother Teresa
If your life is free of failures, you’re not taking enough risks.  -Unknown
Some goals are so worth, it’s glorious even to fail.  -Unknown
Do it! Move it! Make it happen! No one ever sat their way to success.  -Unknown
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.  -Eleanor Roosevelt
It’s not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are.  -Roy Disney
Never, never, never, never give up.  -Winston Churchill
Real generosity is doing something nice for someone who’ll never find out.  –Frank A. Clark
Never let a day go by without giving at least three people a compliment.  –Unknown
The harder you work, the luckier you get.  –Gary Player
Failure is success if we learn from it.  –Malcomb S. Forbes
                I especially like the last quote. One of the Super Soul Sunday speakers noted that it is important to be good at failing. We learn best from our failures. If everything went perfect wouldn’t life be boring. What would we have to talk about? If Don and I thought exactly alike, I would be bored to tears.  His opinions that vary from mine add spice and variety to our relationship and I welcome our differences. Variety is the spice of life. I have permitted others to make me feel inferior and I learned that I need to count on myself and believe in myself. I have discovered that I have goals that seem to be ones that I am inspired to do. Being inspired is being linked to divinity. I am driven to write books with specific topics. I am driven to work with animals. I am driven to be the best I can be when I provide instruction to my students. In order to accomplish our goals we have to move, just do it. Our lives are what we make of them and our happiness must come from within, not from outside sources. It is up to us to make the best out o four lives.




  1. Hi Sharon , I think my mom's computer is letting me reply. Astonishing! I really like this post because it is all about you and I see you in it.
    I think one of the most important thing I have learned as an adult has to do with balance in my life.
    I have ever loved music. It is a passion for me. That is why I sing and dabble in guitar ,dulcimer and violin. Music gives me joy.
    I love what you do for others Sharon like helping our furry friends and elder friends. Everything I have ever seen you attend becomes better when you are there.

    I love what you do for yourself and Donny too. What a great person, wife,mom,daughter,cousin, neice and friend you are.
    I like all youre healthy choices. Because of friends like you, I am able to make healthy choices with ease.
    I like the scout ideas. I grew up with them Brownie through Senior. Tha is how I met Jim. I was a leader for a long time too.
    I love the four agrreement even more. I am memorizing them. I have read the book two times. I think once, a long time ago I read it , when it made no difference to me at all. I now think it is wonderful! I repeat these things to myself every day .I am a terrible one to assume and to take things personll. This indeed cause lots of trauma .
    I have to work very hard in these areas.
    That Super Soul Sunday show sounds good.
    I love the quotes you shared. I really like
    "If you judge people, you have no time to love them." Mother Teresa .
    I like the idea that life is what you make of it,and happiness is from within.
    I have certainly seen that these statements are true.
    It is fun to keep my word, do my best ,not assume and not take thngs personally .How freeing. Keep up the good work . You are a great friend and a great example.. Mary
