Saturday, November 2, 2019

Dangerous Liasons

Janelle lay gasping on the floor after her friend left. “What’s wrong with me? I don’t have enough energy to get up and move to my bed.”

She spent the evening with Helen on the sofa watching scary movies and Janelle asked Helen, to leave because she wasn’t feeling good. She felt fine before Helen arrived at her home and now she was drained of every ounce of energy. She could barely lift her head up. She fell asleep in the doorway. The next day, when Janelle did not show up for work, Pete stopped by her home to see if she was okay. He was shocked to find her sleeping in the doorway of her bedroom. He called an ambulance. She was rushed to the hospital.

“Can you tell me what your symptoms are?” asked the emergency doctor.

Talking for Janelle, Pete said, “I found her in the doorway of her bedroom. She was sleeping. When I tried to wake her, she was unresponsive at first. Janelle had difficulty moving. I had to lift her onto her bed. She did not have the strength to do so herself.”

“Can you tell me if you have taken any pills or have eaten something that may have had this affect on you?” asked the doctor, his name is Dr. Jefferson.

Janelle responded weakly, “I do not take any pills. I had a glass of wine with my friend when we were watching television together. I had a grilled cheese sandwich for dinner and an apple.”

Janelle grabbed her abdomen and cried out in pain. She was having gastrointestinal problems.

“Do you have normal bowel movements?” asked Dr. Jefferson. He knew that gastrointestinal problems can be painful for the patient. He was wondering what was linked to the extreme tiredness. He was hopeful he would get to the bottom of things.

“I may have diarrhea some days and be constipated on other days. I luck out and seem to be normal for a few days and then I am back to the diarrhea and constipation.,” responded Janelle.

“Sounds like you may have irritable bowel syndrome,” replied Dr. Jefferson.

Dr. Jefferson ordered an MRI to examine Janelle’s stomach and intestinal tract.

On the way to the room with the MRI machine Janelle threw up on the gurney. The attending nurses were alarmed and concerned. They cleaned her up and the gurney before the MRI procedure.

“Dr. Jefferson, Janelle, your new patient is not doing well. She threw up before the MRI. She is really sick,” reported Nora, one of the attending nurses.

“Let’s hope we get to the bottom of things. I am concerned about the extreme tiredness. Only run into this a couple of times.”

Helen and some of Janelle’s family were waiting in the waiting room to hear what was going on with Janelle.

Perhaps I went to far. I really care about Janelle but I do need to feed off other people. My energy is so low and if I don’t feed I feel like I am in such a state. I can’t hardly function.

Helen is a psychic vampire. She has been feeding off of Janelle for years. She convinced Janelle to let her move in with her. That made things easier for Helen. After a while Janelle started accepting that she was tired a lot and thought she wasn’t getting enough sleep. She started becoming more and more irritable and moody which is a side effect of being a host to a psychic vampire. Janelle also began experiencing sleep disturbances, anxiety issues, and impaired memory. Janelle ended up suffering from gastrointestinal problems and other victims will end up with upper respiratory problems, also. If hosts are fed on a lot, their energy systems can be damaged severely. 

Helen continued to feed off Janelle’s energy source until she found another host, her unsuspecting boyfriend, Fred.

A common characteristic of all psychic vampires is that they feel they are superior to others and look down on their hosts and others.


George was climbing to the top of the corporate ladder rather quickly. He possessed many useful tools to enable him to do so. When he fed on people that left them exhausted and unable to concentrate so he appeared to have it together more than his peers. George was charming and could manipulate people’s minds to do his bidding. He lacked the necessary skills to run the agency, but managed to have everyone believe in him when he filled his supervisory position.

“Nice work, George,” said Jared, the CEO of Galaxy Corporation. They were the leading company in designing specialized computer programs for top of the line business organizations. George’s inflated ego led him to believe that it was up to him to maintain the corporation’s status, nobody else.

Jared was actually the person who led the corporation to the top of the corporate world with his business and knowledge of computer software. Jared graduated at the top of his class at the University of Texas in computer technology and business management and went on to earn a doctorate in computer technology.

George struggled to get his bachelors degree from a small university in Michigan. He was too busy partying to study. George’s father stopped paying for George’s college when it appeared that he was not going to get his degree. George built up an extensive student loan debt that he begrudgingly paid on a monthly basis. He hasn’t talked with his father for almost ten years.

“Samantha, would you like to go to dinner tonight?” asked George.

“Yes, I would,” replied Samantha. She looked at George with dreamy eyes. George manipulated Samantha to fall head over heels for him.

George was approximately five feet, nine inches in height, but his insecurities made him add lifts to his shoes so he appeared taller than he was. Samantha made him feel better about himself because she was only five feet, two inches in height. He felt he towered over her.  Many people who fall under the category of being pathologically narcissistic are actually insecure but come across as haughty and self-assured.

George started dating Samantha a year ago. Samantha was looking for someone to settle down with, but George was not in any rush to tie the knot or even get engaged. He tapped into energy when he felt pinched to do so, but usually liked to have her not depleted to a large degree. Many other people fell victim to his parasitic feeding. Again, he felt it behooved him to feed off his work peers to make himself appear more together.

A business meeting was held with George, other supervisors, the CEO and the CFO. It was their annual strategic planning meeting. Many of George’s peers were yawning. He fed off each of his peers, one at a time during the early morning hours. They came to work extremely tired like they didn’t have any sleep the night before.

George looked across at Louie, another supervisor and discovered that Louie was trying to attaching a vine to him so he could feed off of him. George glared at Louie and gave him a knowing look relaying that he knew what he was up to. Louie was surprised that he got caught. It was discovered that two psychic vampires worked for the corporation. Many of the other employees, who were sitting around the table, were yawning and stretching except Jared. Both psychic vampires wanted to leave Jared’s energy alone. They only worked on manipulating Jared’s mind.

Jared looked around the table and became frustrated to see so many tired employees. How was he going to conduct business?

“Let’s pull out the budget report that everyone has in front of them. As you see, our earnings for 2017 went up across the board by 25%.  I can speak for the majority of us who can stay awake that this is good news. However, our earnings for this year appears to be more than in 2017 and the year is only half over. I am happy to report that we are on the right track,” said Jared.

            Jared poured himself another cup of coffee. He said, “I attribute our high rate of growth to two of our supervisors, Louie and George. Without them on our team, we would not be doing as well.”

            “Let’s give them a hand,” said Jared. Everyone clapped around the table. Since Louie and George were in need of constant admiration, this complement filled the empty spot in their psyche, momentarily.

            George winked at Samantha.

Louie winked at Grace, his long-time girlfriend. She had an interview with the human resource department for Louie for a possible position at Galaxy. He did the rest. Louie saw a potential to climb the ladder at Galaxy.

Both women smiled proudly at the men in their lives.

Louie came on board with the Galaxy Corporation approximately a year ago. George was just getting around to feeding off of Louie. Discovering that Louie was like him made him feel threatened. He would have competition with pursuing the CEO’s position. It would not be handed to him on a silver platter.

Louie was home one evening relaxing on his sofa in front of a Met’s game. He dreamily thought of his former girlfriend, Violet. Violet was a practicing witch who practiced black magic and was a Satan worshipper. Louie was enthralled with her abilities. She taught him how to have tantric sex with unsuspecting and suspecting individuals. Violet, Louie and some of their friends would conduct orgies in local establishments. Some of the participants did not know what was happening to them. They would feed off the sexual energy.

Louie contacted Violet telepathically hoping she was available to participate in tantric sex with him.

“I’m available, you tiger,” said Violet telepathically.

Then pleased each other for hours into the wee hours of the morning.

Louie and George were in competition for the CEO’s position. The CEO was going to retire within a year and the position would be open. Louie started working overtime and turning in assignments that were above and beyond his pay scale. Jared, impressed with Louie’s achievements, was considering Louie for the position of CEO.

“I want to talk to you, Louie. Can you come into my office?” asked Jared.

“Yes. I will be right there,” replied Louie.

“I have been thinking long and hard about the future of this corporation. I would like to suggest to our board of directors that you be considered for my position.”

“I would be honored to fill your shoes. I wish you were not leaving us. I enjoy working with you,” said Louie. He could brown nose with the best of them.

George wanted to be in line for the CEO position but one of his character flaws was his extreme laziness. He was not willing to work overtime to gain favor with Jared. Louie was willing to work day and night if it meant he could climb the ladder to the top. Louie also graduated top in his class in business management at Stanford. Not as narcissistic as George. Louie knew he had to work for what he got in life. Some psychic vampires would fall into the category of being pathologically narcissistic. Some psychic vampires have other issues they have to deal with and the people around them were forced to deal with their issues, also.

Many psychic vampires were raised in depravity, either neglect and/or abuse. They ended up in adulthood not knowing which way to turn like many other individuals. They usually experience a stunted growth in their development. They do not learn how to self sooth. They rely on others to fix things for them and then they discover the ability to feed off others’ energy and become addicted to doing so. It makes them feel superior and in control. They used this ability to fill the emptiness in their lives and they discovered that they actually needed to be nourished with another’s energy. One psychic vampire reported that he had holes in his energy system and needed to continually fill his system with another’s energy.

Or could these individuals be born to a hybrid parent(s)? Parents who were associated with a demonic heritage. The Nephilim were not entirely wiped off the face of the earth by a flood. Not possible. We could still be dealing with hybrid individuals derived from a demonic race. Remember demons were fallen angels that still roam the earth. They were banned from the heavens and do not have God’s grace anymore. They are angry and spiteful beings. If individuals are born without souls or they gave up their souls to demons, they may need to feed off another’s energy field.



          The Saturn Corporation’s CEO and board of directors were seeking individuals like themselves. Individuals who could look someone in the face and demand unreasonable things and cause harm to the environment without batting an eyelash. Every year they would rather pay the fine for not meeting environmental standards than to fix the problem. They felt it was easier to through money at the state and continue carrying out business as usual. This corporation is an example of global psychic vampirism. It does occur throughout the world. Compromised environments effect many people. Look what happened in Flint, Michigan. Who cared enough to make sure the people of Flint, including children, had safe water to drank. Many children have suffered from lead poisoning from a lack of concern for the welfare of the community. We are faced with problems that prove to be damaging on a regular basis.

          “Hi, my name is Greg Hathaway. I was told to stop by and see if I could apply for a job at this organization.”

          “Where did you hear about the position?” asked Henry Stonehouse, the human resource director.

          “Sam Hill told me about the job,” replied Greg.

          That’s all Henry had to hear. Sam was a big part of the company’s mission and fell into favor with the CEO and board of directors.

          “Follow me and I will have you fill out the employment paperwork. Do you have your driver’s license and social security on hand so I can make a copy?” asked Henry.

          “Here they are,” said Greg. He handed Henry the documents.

          “Sharona, escort Greg to the conference room and sit with him while he fills out the paperwork just in case he has any questions. You don’t mind if Sharona sits with you while you complete the paperwork?” asked Henry.

          Sharona was a tall, slender woman with silky blond hair who appeared to be in her late twenties, a very attractive woman.

          “I don’t mind at all,” replied Greg.

          “Would you get Greg a cup of coffee?” asked Henry.

           “What do you want in your coffee?” asked Sharona.

          “I take it black.”  Greg watched Sharona walk out of the room. He loved the soft movement of her hips. She looked back at him and caught him in the act and smiled at him. She was used to getting that kind of attention while at work.


          “We have a policy of making as much money as possible at this corporation. Our goal is to satisfy our stockholders and line our own pockets. Are you on board to do your best to make the most money possible?” asked Larry Ludster. Larry was a human resource employee who ran the interviews for perspective employees.

          “I believe we have an obligation to earn the most money possible,” responded Greg.

          “Tell us about some of the projects you worked on with other organizations. We want to hear from you. By the way, nice resume.”

          “I worked with Jupiter when they wanted to mine uranian and managed to sidestep the Hopi Indians when they tried to stop us. The mining is still going on today without Hopi interference.”

          “I heard under the table that a few Hopi’s lost their lives. They were found dead in one of the caves,” said Larry.

          “Yes, that was some of my handy work. You would be surprised how Indian people will turn on each other for a few bucks and a little mind control,” said Greg.

          “I feel like you are perfect for our team. When can you start?” asked Larry.

           “I can start next week,” said Greg.

          “I already gave my four-week notice almost a month ago because I was told by Sam that I would probably be a shoe in.”

           Many psychic vampires feed off the misery and anguish of their victims. They create hardship because there is energy in feelings of hopelessness and despair. Greed is a deciding factor when it comes to how people are treated. The bottom line for a lot of companies is to make as much money as possible no matter who has to pay. The health of many have suffered due to the damage that has been done to the environment.



       “Elsie is looking pretty appealing. Can’t wait to munch on her energy. Perhaps I will make her so tired she collapses in my arms from exhaustion. The cheerleaders I treated myself to this morning were great. I have to feed in order to feel alive. I must feed tonight after I am finished with Elsie. I can never have too much energy,” said Wally.

          Addictive Psychic Vampires have insatiable appetites for feeding off unsuspecting people. They must have continuous fixes. Once they feed off one person, they plan the next. Sometimes they are planning their next feed while they are feeding off someone. There is a sense of urgency to feed with all psychic vampires, but ones with addictive characteristics are excessive, indiscriminate about their selections, and enjoy the excitement and challenge of their conquests. Like alcoholics, drug addicts and overeaters, they experience intense cravings. They must feed excessively.

          “Elsie, would you like to settle on my sofa and watch a movie?” asked Wally.

          “I would like that. All of a sudden, I am really tired. I have to warn you, I may fall asleep on you.”

          “That’s okay.”

          Wally is an attractive man. He has sandy colored hair, stunning blue eyes, broad shoulders and is over six feet tall. Many women are attracted to him. Because of his popularity, he never wanted to settle down. He went from one woman to the next. He swings both ways and some very handsome men were into him, also. He craved attention, loved being the center of attention. He is also very charming and had an alluring personality.

          Elsie was also gorgeous and was very attracted to Wally. She was trying to get pregnant so she could trap Wally. He was on to her and always packed protection. Reading minds was another ability Wally possessed. He liked the advantage it gave him.

           She fell asleep in his arms. He peeked down her shirt and started undressing her carefully so he would not wake her. Elsie was completely naked. Wally stared at her naked body and started getting aroused. He climbed on top of her and had his way with her. She moaned in her sleep. He put one of his t-shirts on her and carried her off to his bed. He had to leave and find another host soon. He felt the rush from Elsie’s energy wearing off.  He needed another fix.

          He decided to visit a playground and feed off some of the children who were playing. He enjoyed children’s energy. Nothing like the untainted burst of pureness rushing through his system. Wally was in luck. There were lots of kids and parents at the playground. He picked a little girl, she appeared to be around six years of age, cute and petite. Her red hair in two braids and she was wearing a t-shirt and shorts. Wally concentrated and sent a long invisible vine that attached to her body and started taking deep breaths. Her life energy was as pure as the driven snow. He was smiling as she started rubbing her eyes.  She walked over to her mother and asked if she could go home.

          Wally was pumped and wanted to seek more unsuspecting victims. He decided he wanted to go to a gay bar and check out the men. It’s been awhile since he experienced the other side of the buffet.

          He was in luck the bar was busy. Lots of gay women and men. Everyone turned to look at Wally when he walked into the bar, women and men. He felt like he was on top of the world. Filled with the sweet energy of a child and looking for the right male to share some of the early evening with. A young man was dancing in a way to draw attention to himself. He was not wearing a shirt and his pants were hanging low on his backside. Wally thought he was very sexy and geared his attention on the young man. It did not take long for the young man to notice Wally. There was a connection right away.

          “Hi, what’s your name?” asked John, the young man.

          “My name is Wayne,” replied Wally. Wally did not like to use his real name when he was picking up someone for a one-night stand.

          “Let’s go to the other room and dance,” suggested John.

          “I am not at a fair advantage. What is you name?” asked Wally.

          “My name is John.”

          “Well, John let’s get some dancing on,” replied Wally.

          Wally always found it interesting to see how easy it was to pick up young men. They wanted attention like all the women he has encountered.

          The dancing was seductive and Wally was starting to feel woozy from the alcohol he was drinking. It was time to take John to a hotel room.

          Wally needed some fresh air to clear his head from the alcohol. He took John on a short walk around the city streets before departing for a hotel. John eagerly climbed into Wally’s BMW and smiled widely at Wally.

          Wally used a credit card he stole off an older woman to pay for a hotel room. The sex was great and Wally fed off John’s sexual energy.

          The psychic vampire who has addiction issues is a lot like someone with antisocial tendencies. They use people to get what they want without consideration of the person’s feelings. Anyone with the monkey on their back called addictions, cannot love someone else or even themselves. The addiction runs their lives and comes before people. Think about an alcoholic, he/she must drink even at the expense of a relationship or employment. When an individual has one addiction, usually the individual has other addictions. Wally was also a sexual addict. He had to stroke his need for admiration by seeking many lovers and he thoroughly enjoyed the conquest.

          The antisocial psychic vampire would be more ruthless concerning the basic rights of other people. They have been known to have a history of violating rules, bullying and not telling the truth. They would not feel remorse if they hurt or killed someone. It would be the other person’s fault because they made the antisocial angry or they were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

          The psychic vampire who is considered having schizoid personality disorder is a whole different type of vampire in contrast to the antisocial and narcissistic vampires. They are withdrawn and prefer to be emotionally distant. They are usually loners who can appear to be cold. The schizoid vampires are uncomfortable in social situations except during their vampire episodes.

          The socialized psychic vampire is quite different from all the previously mentioned vampires.  On the surface they appear to respect the rights of others. They can be supportive and understanding in most relationships. Socially skilled vampires present themselves as someone who can be trusted and responsible.  They appear emotionally stable. Like the others they are not reluctant to drain the energy of their conquests. Socialized vampires can be defensive when it comes to their vampire tendencies and will minimize the effect of their vampire conquests. They refer to their vampire encounters as harmless.

          The internet has connected psychic vampires to their hosts. The internet serves as a pipe that is used to draw energy. Cyberspace is a safe way for psychic vampires can feed off hosts and maintain their anonymity. Most psychic vampires seek attention and cyber vampires are not any different. They will drop hints at what they are up to such as using a name that starts with the letter V. Experienced cyber vampires like to hint at self-disclosure as part of adding excitement to the conquest.

            Some of the psychic vampires are unexperienced and feel insecure and may feel some stress regarding their need to feed. They want to feel independent and not have to rely on another’s energy to get by in life. They will feel reluctant and feel remorse, but they feel there is no alternative than to feed off others to meet their energy needs (Slate, 2002).

          Many types of psychic vampires exist and they all have the same determined need, they need to feed on others and drain their energy in order to survive. If the host is fed on for an unspecified period of time, they can have emotionally disturbing complications such as anxiety and sleep disorders. They may have physical problems such as gastrointestinal and upper respiratory ailments as a result of serving as a host for psychic vampires. As mentioned earlier, there could be various reasons why they need to feed on the energy of others from having a demonic origin (Nephillim descendants) to having holes in their own personal energy fields. Having the ability to feed off others without them knowing seems to have evil origins. Many people are being watched, stalked and sought after by psychic vampires and the liaison can be very harmful and dangerous.

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