Thursday, June 28, 2012

Celebrating Sault Ste. Marie

I attended a presentation put on by Linda Hoath from the Economic Development Corporation of Sault Ste. Marie, MI.  This organization works diligently to promote Sault Ste. Marie to foreign countries and all over the United States. She enhanced my pride of being a resident of Sault Ste. Marie (Sault).  A lot of people, especially younger people, are often saying there’s nothing to do in the Sault.  I am going to argue with that statement and add activities that Linda informed the Lake Superior Elders about.  There is plenty to do in the Sault.  If you are an outdoor enthusiast, you will find this area to be absolutely beautiful and entertaining. We have a large movie theatre, plenty of shopping and lots of restaurants. Tomorrow starts an anniversary celebration of the 50th year that the international bridge was in existence.  There is going to be fireworks, the lighting of the bridge and other ceremonies to honor that anniversary.
My husband and I are going to attend a play entitled “Die a Stranger” at the Sault Theatre Project, an old theatre that a group of dedicated volunteers has worked diligently to restore.  They still have a way to go; but have definitely made a lot of progress.  The previous owners when they closed the theatre some time ago did not winterize the building by shutting off the water, etc. so things were in complete disarray after it was closed down.  After we see the play we are going to watch fireworks. 
Tomorrow Dennis Hale is going to speak at the Soo Locks Visitors Center. Since it is Engineers Day, the Cloverland Hydro Electric Plant is holding an open house.  I attended this open house last year and thoroughly enjoyed myself. There was a video, informational displays, and speakers informing the visitors about the history of the plant. The plant has been in operation for 110 years. They offer free hot dogs, popcorn and pop along with a whole host of vendors and lots of free stuff such as key rings, pens, etc.  The Coast Guard opens its doors for Engineers Day also. Part of the Engineers Day celebration and what happens annually, is the international bridge walk.  We participated in that walk last year and may do it this year. 
On Sunday, July 1st, we may partake in a pancake breakfast aboard the barge Nostalgia.  The Canadian Fireworks are being held on that same day, actually during the evening. 
Weekly “Music in the Park” is held.  They have many bands and musicians playing music for the public from the Sault and surrounding areas.  I especially like to listen to Gentleman George’s band. 
The community offers a variety of activities depending on your interests.  As mentioned earlier I belong to a group entitled the “Lake Superior Elders.”  You only have to be 50 to join.  I have learned so much since I have joined and joining things like this elders group can help you feel connected to this community.  You can volunteer for various organizations.  I informed my blogger audience about the Rotary Club.  I volunteer at our local animal shelter and for various organizations associated with the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians.  There is so much to do that I have to pick and chose. Come join us in Sault Ste. Marie.

1 comment:

  1. How did I miss this one.
    I love Linda Hoath .She opens up a lot opportunities and is enthusiastic.
    I missed this Elders meeting. I love Elders Especially some of the wonderful people . If your 50 + come join us.
    Music in the Park is one of my favorite things To be in the Sault Locks Park is delightful. I love the green grass and trees .The music is very good. My favorite is the Petoskey Steel Drums and then Saline Fiddlers when they come. I also enjoy the Irish band that comes.
    I love Soo Theater I have seen some very good musicals , ballet and opera .It is fun to help there as a volunteer also.
    Dennis Hale is an excellent speaker I mentioned we saw him at the library.
    I have been to the open house at the Coast guard and Hydro plant. They are worth seeing, at least once .Eeveryone is so friendly.
    I love Engineers Day when you can walk over the locks on the cat walks .
    I love to go on the bridge walk and if I remember it is on I always try to go.
    I love fire works .I am a 4th of July baby. I love to watch fireworks on ether side of the river.
    Great report.
    I love my life in the Sault, winter fun or summer fun.
