Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Miamisburg Ohio Mound

Miamisburg Mound is one of the two largest conical mounds in eastern North America. Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, the mound is 65 feet tall and 800 feet in circumference and contains 54,000 cubic yards of earth. The mound is visible from several miles away because it stands atop a 100 foot high ridge above the Great Miami River. Steps have been built to the top observation platform, where you can enjoy a wonderful view of the area. Average visit time: Allow 30 minutes.


Excavations conducted in 1869 revealed details of construction suggesting the Adena culture (800 B.C. to 100 A.D.) built the mound in several stages. The excavators found a layer of flat stones overlapping like shingles on a roof at a depth of 24 feet below the surface. At one point in its history, the mound had a stone facing. Monuments like Miamisburg Mound served as cemeteries for several generations of ancient Ohioans. They also may have marked the boundaries of tribal territories.

There were once an estimated 10,000 American Indian mounds and earthworks in the central Ohio Valley. Today, about 1,000 of those landmarks have survived through private landowners and local, state and federal agencies dedicated to preserving these ancient ruins.

Many of the mounds that have been saved were of the conical variety and most of those have never been professionally investigated to determine their contents or age. Ones that have been investigated were determined to have been created 2,000 to 2,800 years ago.

Around 400 A.D., the people who created these mounds and earthworks disappeared from Ohio. The story of what happened to them remains a mystery.

Miamisburg Mound is managed locally by the City of Miamisburg.

Source: Miamisburg Historical Society


1 comment:

  1. Our history is so fascinating and more ancient and unexplained then we thought.
