Thursday, October 18, 2018

Monsters, Ghosts and Goblins

A plethora of things that go bump in the night could be considered watchers from malevolent ghosts to shadow people. Fairies, dragons, psychic vampires, shadow people, ghosts, leprechauns, aliens, and so much more have been reported by many people. Their existence has not been scientifically proven.  However, many people keep encountering them. Most of these beings are watching us. As proven during investigations, a multitude of these beings on this earth plane and from the other side can see us, hear us and respond to us.            


            Spectral visions of ethereal images float through the air in many locations. Ghosts are the most common paranormal entity. At least a third of living people have encountered one. A ghost is a spirit of a dead human being. A variety of types of ghosts exist: the Halloween ghost – a white sheet with holes for eyes; transitional ghosts who almost always appear to family members, loved ones, close friends, and others they had a close emotional link; purposeful ghosts who seem to have a specific reason for returning from the grave; graveyard specters who exist in the vicinity of  cemeteries; entity hauntings in which one of more ghosts haunt a specific location; and replay hauntings in which a situation replays itself in the presence of people who are sensitive to such phenomenon.

            To explain further about entity hauntings, hauntings of specific locations usually follow a particular pattern. It is typically the end result of violence, madness, or a tragedy such as a large explosion killing many or a mine collapsing. Ghosts have appeared when there were mass murders such as when various forms of genocide occurred to wipe out tribal communities. Many people have visited Gettysburg to experience the residual hauntings. Residual hauntings are like replay hauntings in which situations that existed for the person who is a ghost when they were alive occur over and over again when they are dead.

            Replay hauntings are different from entity hauntings. The ghost will repeat a behavior such as walking through a certain wall every night. The ghost will not and cannot communicate with humans and will not respond to humans. They are caught in a time loop and they keep repeating specific behaviors on a regular basis.

            Purposeful ghosts appear because they have unfinished business or they want to motivate a living human. The ghost may have hidden a sum of money and wants the living human to know where it is hidden, or perhaps the ghost bids his or her children good night one last time. Another more dangerous ghost is a vengeful ghost who is seeking revenge and will not give up until the person meets what they determine as their deserved fate. Innocent victims may pay the price for wrongful doings, also. The ghost may seek revenge on any human that crosses its path.

            Graveyard ghosts occupy many story telling sessions and are associated with folklore. Graveyard specters may hover over their graves or float over the graveyard and they usually do not speak or make any sounds.

            Poltergeists need to be mentioned. These are manifestations of human emotions. If the house is filled with anger, yelling, sadness, frustration and other negative emotions, a poltergeist may be created due to the disturbing emotional build up, they are known as noisy spirits. If there is an escalation of the activity, this could prove to be dangerous. People have died as a result of the violence as a result of poltergeist activity.

            If a person dies a sudden and possibly a violent death, the dying person may be caught up in extreme pain, fear, or other extreme emotions associated with how they died which may trap the dead person between two worlds. The ghost may remain fixated in the pain from their death along with the feelings associated with the death process. Strong emotions can bind a spirit to a place and create an entity haunting. Many haunted places where human tragedies occurred may not be haunted by a trapped soul but by gruesome emotional patterns projected into the atmospheric and physical substance of the location (Greer, 2002).

The Little People

          Little people have appeared all over the world, some groups revere them while others fear them. Some Native American groups in the United States hold ceremonies in their honor. They are known to be mischievous. The little people will take items and hide them or move them around to confuse people.  In England, they were referred to as Gnomes.

          Descriptions and identities of little people are abundant. They have been called the lost souls of the souls of pre-Christian people, doomed to roam the earth until their demise. Others believe they are elemental spirits or fallen angels residing in a different dimension from humans’ physical world. The little people were also considered to be the last of the pygmy race. They could be direct ancestors of homo sapiens from the dwarf-like australopithecines line of ancestry and that is why everyone around the world have a belief in the little people. Needless to say, they have not caused harm to anyone only some frustration over lost items (Shuker,2002).


          Demons have upheld their evil reputation for a long time. Movies such as the Exorcist have portrayed demonic possession and exorcism as a reality. Catholic priests are often called upon to rid a home or a person of a demonic possession. The possibility of evil spirits or demons frightens many people and others believe the term demon is a Christian concept. Gnostics and Cathars during ancient times believed that evil was a fact of the material level of existence and did not exist within the spiritual realm. Demonologists would beg to differ. Many people from modern times make the claim that demons are the remnants of the fallen angels, stuck on the earthly realm because they were banned from the heavens.

          Too many sources such as television shows and literature sources demonstrate the reality that demonic entities do exist. Amy Allan, during some of her walks on the Dead Files show, reported she has seen demonic beings. Many cultures believe in the demon lore. Notably, many victims have experienced and reported what could be deemed as demonic activity. It has been reported that demonic hauntings have occurred if there has been a regular practice of evil magic such as a blood sacrifice or the use of tarot cards.

          Individuals can experience demonic obsession in which the person cannot think clearly about a personal topic of obsession and/or develop serious mental illness. Other supernatural entities can also cause obsessive behaviors: ghosts and elementals. Demons can cause families to fight with one another and even cause serious physical harm to each other that may result in death. They are known to thrive on chaos. Demonic possession can cause a whole host of physical and behavioral maladies from insomnia, agitation and roaming to screaming fits. Sometimes the demon will speak through the person in a raspy voice and use languages unknown to the possessed person. Demons are known to be extremely dangerous and disruptive to humans (Greer, 2002). 


Shadow People


          Shadow people have been a part of human repertoire throughout history. They are eerie specters that appear during the night and cause absolute panic and often paralyze us with fear. Shadow people often look like grim reapers who are either tall, six to eight feet tall, or short, three to five feet in height. They may come in pairs or more or are seen in a singular fashion. The shorter ones often have red eyes and seem more dangerous than the tall ones. Their shadows can fall into an entire spectrum of paranormal occurrence. They have been known to change shape into beautiful apparitions to allure humans, invade bodies for temporary possession or transform into monsters. Most shadow people are attracted to humans but some are attached to pieces of land. There are various types of shadow people: benign shadows; negative shadows; red eyed shadows; buzzing shadows; angry, hooded shadows; and shadows that attack. They seem to appear out of nowhere and can disappear into thin air like a puff of smoke. These mysterious dark figures have terrorized people for thousands of years (Offutt, 2009).

Witches and Warlocks

            Witches and Warlocks work with magic and can cast spells, hexes and curses on people. Some witches work with healing and helping humans. Some are evil and some are good. The Harry Potter Series depicts good and bad witches and warlocks. There is a good witch and bad witches in The Wizard of Oz.

Pyschic Vampires

          Psychic Vampires come in many shapes and sizes, but the most common characteristic of all psychic vampires is that they feed off the energy of humans. Many types of psychic vampires exist: Parasitic; Antisocial; Narcissistic; Schizoid; Cyberspace; Addictive; Paranoid; Socialized and Ambivalent. Groups of Psychic Vampires can meet as a group and feed off unsuspecting victims in public locations. Many of these individuals can manipulate the minds of humans usually to cover up what they are up to, which is their feeding behaviors. They will convince their victims that they are on the up and up and their unsuspecting victims will be coerced into falling in love with the vampire. Their victims become tired, and oftentimes can end up with physical maladies such as gastrointestinal problems. More and more is being learned about this type of vampire who watches, stalks and feeds off of their victims.

Many types of monsters exist in this world. Where they origin many have speculated.

Shadow people may reside in another dimension and visit the human dimension to scare or feed off of humans. Demons may be fallen angels.  Ghosts are dead humans. The little people may have many origins from ancient ancestors to pygmies. Fairies, ghouls, goblins and witches are beings that may appear to us in their true form. Many other monsters including the ones listed in this chapter have been proven to exist, some we are not aware of, and they can watch us and raise havoc in our lives.


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