have been tormenting humans for many years. These strange beings have abducted,
conducted experiments involving humans and have studied humans. Humans, who
were taken by force in spaceships, have been probed and examined. Families lost
loved ones forever and some of these unfortunate humans returned to their homes
dazed and confused, feeling violated. Some had their memories erased of the
abduction. Portals to other dimensions, invisible to the naked eye, serve as
doorways for the strange alien beings. Some of these beings want to infiltrate
the human population and live among them. They do so by taking over a human’s
body by a possession process and devouring the human souls. Humans have never
been alone on this vast planet.
traveled from Nibiru to Earth. Nibiru passes by Earth approximately every 3,600
Earth years and some of the beings from this planet hop to Earth via worm holes
as a result of their planet’s orbit which brought their planet close to Planet
Earth. They came to Planet Earth to seek gold to patch the atmosphere of their
planet. These alien beings were referred to as the Anunnaki. They numbered
approximately two million when they first arrived on Earth.
These alien beings were
mischievous, creative, highly scientific and intelligent. They made a major
impact on Earth and its inhabitants for thousands of years. The beings from
Nibiru, supposedly a warring planet, brought the idea of war to the earthlings?
They were half god, half human with serpent characteristics. Some have appeared to have snake like eyes
and forked tongues to human sensitives, people who can see the real identity of
strange beings. They possessed many godlike abilities and appeared to be rather
large humans with strange features. Their heads were oval and they had pointy
chins. The back of their heads was long and oblong. Their eyes were large and
their skin was a rather ashy color. Powerful muscles lined their torsos and
arms. The Anunnaki’s
advanced scientific knowledge, physical strength and size led the human
inhabitants to believe they were gods sent down from the heavens to provide
humans with various advancements such as the building of elaborate structures
such as aqueducts and pyramids. Humans were taught how to work with metals to alter the shape by
the use of metallurgy. Earth
was a rather young planet compared to others in the universe. Because of their
size and abilities, the Anunnaki were feared and highly respected by many of
Earth’s inhabitants.
They developed a complex
astronomical/astrological system which served as the manner by which life on
Earth was ordered, as it contained information crucial to the life force of the
planet, such as the movements and interrelationship of the sun and moon. Their
calculations were based on the number six. Because of this elaborate system many
were able to become sea-faring individuals and they were also able to plant and
harvest using the rotations of the moon as a guide. Their original domain when
they arrived on this planet for the first time was Sumer. Cuneiform tablets
tell the history in great detail of these advanced beings.
“When the King of Heaven, Anu, came to Earth
with his second and legal heir Enlil,
was assigned the command of Africa and of the new gold mining center in South
Africa. As for Enlil, he became the Lord of the Command in Sumer and
established his capital and temple abode in Nippur – the first Mission Control
Center for their space travels… They had human bodies and exuberant sexuality,
although they seem to have been ‘giants’ compared to the earthlings.
Enki roamed the wilderness and study
the life-forms, and he realized that the Seed of Life (the types of DNA) on
this planet was very similar to the beings on Nibiru. There had been an
original collision of a moon of Nibiru (at that time a nomad planet) with the
ancient huge planet called Tiamat that partly exploded, thus creating an
asteroid belt, ‘the Hammered Bracelet,’ and the larger part being thrust in a
new orbit nearer the sun, thus becoming our Earth. As for Nibiru, the planet
was then captured by the gravitational field of our sun and started to orbit
it. Enki realized why Earth life-forms and their DNA resembled that of Nibiru:
life on Earth had been seeded by the original collision with Nibiru’s moon,”
(Hardy, 2014).
Enlil was different from his brother
Enki. The story of Enlil and Enki resembled that of the Cain and Abel story in
the Bible. One was evil and the other good. Enlil was the most extreme of
Nibirian characters. He was violent, prone to anger, indignant, jealous, and
very self-centered. Like many rulers on planet Earth, he fit the bill for
filling the role of a tyrannical king.
Enki, on the other hand, had a powerful
mind and astonishing reflective abilities. He grasped the idea of anticipation
and had a strong purpose. He believed the humans needed to be more
knowledgeable so they could understand their tasks. What added to Enki’s decision to create
smarter humans from the apelike humanoids were the complaints from the Anunnaki
who were working in the mines, mining gold. They complained that it was
difficult and exhausting work. They would like the humans to take over the
Gold, highly sought after throughout
the history of this planet, lasts forever. It is a durable mineral which
conducts heat and energy efficiently. The gold jewelry from the ancient
Egyptian time still holds its luster.
was the first god, son of King Anu, to travel to Earth according to the
Cuneiform tablets. Enki had a vast amount of knowledge about astronomy,
physics, and engineering. He did not possess the knowledge about biology,
medicine and genetics. Ninmah’s expertise in these areas afforded the
perfection of the Earth-human race derived from the DNA of their alien race.
“Clay tablets
unearthed in Mesopotamia, and dating as far back as 3,500 BCE, state that for
an immense time Ninmah was dedicated to the Great Work with her half-bother and
consort Enki, and she had brought to life successive generations of a ‘mixed
creature’ by the blending of their own DNA, that of Anunnaki Gods – that ones
who had come down from Heaven to Earth – with their DNA of an evolved ape
woman” (Hardy, 2014).
They made primitive workers out of
human species. They took the essence from a young male Anunnaki and added it to
an egg taken from an ape woman. The fertilized egg was implanted into an
Anunnaki woman’s womb to create a more intelligent human, as part of a genetic
engineering project. They needed humans intelligent enough to follow their
orders. According to Zecharia Sitchin, the first implants occurred
approximately 300,000 years ago.
Ninmah served as the head scientist
for the life sciences. She arrived on Earth with a group of women scientists to
supervise the medical and health matters for the Anunnaki and the seeding and
growing of medicinal and health enhancing plants for the Anunnaki and humans.
Ninmah had domesticated animals transported to earth and assisted with their
adaptation of earth’s land and air. It was her way of introducing agriculture
and farming, a method of providing a healthier diet for the Anunnaki and
The Anunnaki used the word “lulu” which
was referred to the ignorant human slaves.
was associated with procreation with the human species while Enlil wanted to
wipe out the human race. Adam and Eve or Adamu according to the cuneiform
tablets, were visited by a snake. People were led to believe the snake was
evil. However, there were complications concerning this belief. The snake told the truth and the god did not.
Adam and Eve did not die according to the Bible. Some theorists believe that Enlil
was the god and Enki was the snake according to the cuneiform tablets. He
wanted the humans to have knowledge and Enlil did not.
in the Bible did it state the snake was Satan or the devil. Assumptions were
made. Vast similarities exist between the writings in the Bible to those in the
cuneiform tablets. Temptation was introduced while the first couple were
tending the garden. Their time after not following orders of the first god was
cursed, especially the female’s. The awareness of their sexual organs was how
the human seed was compared with that of animals. It was evident that woman was
the first person to take a leap into self-awareness and consciousness. The
ability to reflect represented the capability of making moral distinctions. Sex
represents the survival of any species and it was considered immoral on many
occasions by various people in power.
It’s difficult to
say what came first, the chicken or the egg. People of some form or
from Neanderthals to homo sapiens have existed on this planet for millions of
years according to a multitude of credible sources.
the first humans came into play has been in question? The Anunnaki arrived on
the Planet Earth originally to find gold to patch the atmosphere of their
planet. The Anunnaki used their own DNA to enhance the humans’ intelligence to
make them able to follow orders more efficiently. How much of the technology
and scientific breakthroughs can be attributed to the Anunnaki?
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